
Defying Gravity

Youth Space
Sabrina talks about gravity and explains that when we talk about gravity pulling things down, what we really mean is gravity is pulling things TOWARD the Earth.

My Search for Proof Aliens Exist | Avi Loeb | TED

Adults Space
Why have we not yet found proof of alien life? According to astrophysicist Avi Loeb, we simply haven't dedicated the proper resources.

The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Youth Space
In the months leading up to the historic take-off, Nasa put the crew through gruelling, relentless simulations in order to prepare them.

Anthony Mackie Asks NASA About Ocean Science

Youth Space
Join Anthony Mackie, actor and National Geographic host, as he chats about how scientists study the ocean and the creatures that live there – including sharks!

Is This Why Venus Lost Its Ocean?

Youth Space
The Earth and Venus are made of similar material and are about the same size. Yet one planet has an abundance of water and the other is bone dry. When and how did this happen?

Solar Flares 2024

Youth Space
In May 2024, Earth saw a huge increase in extreme geomagnetic storms, leading to some spectacular aurora displays around the world.

The Solar System is Beige

Adults Space
Whether you grew up with a poster of the solar system on your bedroom wall or not, you've probably got a specific idea of what the planets look like. From brilliantly blue Neptune to the "red planet" Mars. But if you managed to actually visit these worlds, you'd find reality... a little beige.

MinuteEarth Explains: Solar Eclipses

Adults Space
Over the last year, we at MinuteEarth and MinutePhysics have had the privilege of working with NASA's Heliophysics Education Activation Team make a series of videos about the awesomeness of solar eclipses. Here they are, all seven of them!

There Are Thousands of Alien Empires in The Milky Way

Adults Space
We often assume that advanced technology will make it easy for aliens to colonize space. But what if space exploration is always difficult, no matter how advanced you are?

The Paradox of an Infinite Universe

Adults Space
What is outside of the universe? We know that the universe had a beginning 14 billion years ago and that it has been expanding ever since.

3 Mysteries of the Universe

Adults Space
We're still in the dark about what 95 percent of our universe is made of — and the standard model for understanding particle physics has hit a limit.

Odysseus Spacecraft Lands On The Moon

Youth Space
On Thursday evening, the Odysseus spacecraft landed on the Moon. It's the first time a US spacecraft has landed on the Moon in 50 years.

Weird Things Animals Do During Eclipses

Adults Space
For centuries, humans have reported animals freaking out during solar eclipses, like birds falling from the sky and bees hiding in their hives, but the animals most affected by eclipses might be us.

What You Need To Know About Europa

Youth Space
Exploring this ocean world with our Europa Clipper spacecraft could provide new clues in our search for life beyond Earth.

How To Draw: Uranus

Kids Space
Today, in this easy drawing video for kids, see how to draw the planet Uranus and how to write out the letters.

The largest river on Earth is actually in the sky - Iseult Gillespie

Adults Space
Explore the Amazon rainforest’s flying rivers, and dig into why these invisible waterways are essential to life on Earth.

How To Destroy The Universe

Adults Space
The universe is going to die one day, and a fight between two titans will decide our cosmic fate.