
What Biologists Do: Crash Course Biology

Adults Biology
A biologist’s natural habitat is anywhere questions about life are being asked—whether the subject is a nematode or a narwhal, a single cell, or a whole ecosystem.

The science of super longevity | Dr. Morgan Levine

Adults Biology
Science can’t stop aging, but it may be able to slow our epigenetic clocks.

Your Body Killed Cancer 5 Minutes Ago

Adults Biology
Somewhere in your body, your immune system just quietly killed one of your own cells, stopping it from becoming cancer, and saving your life. It does that all the time.

How to master your sense of smell

Adults Biology
Some perfumers can distinguish individual odors in a fragrance made of hundreds of scents; tea-experts have been known to sniff out the exact location of a particular tea; and the NYC Transit Authority once had a employee responsible only for sniffing out gas leaks.

The man who lost his sense of touch

Adults Biology
Explore the science behind how your body and brain process different sensations like touch, pain, temperature, and spatial awareness.

Just How Good is Eagle Vision?

Adults Biology
In a remote part of Scotland, expert bird handler Lloyd Buck sets up a game of hide and seek for his golden eagle Tilly to test just how good her eyesight is.

The Best Way to Boost Your Immune System

Adults Biology
There is this idea floating around that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

You Can’t Actually Die Of Old Age

Adults Biology
Despite centuries of death records to the contrary, “dying of old age” is not medically possible; instead, it’s just a convenient catch-all.

Your Immune System is More Dangerous than You Think

Adults Biology
There is this idea floating around that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. That surviving a disease leaves you better off. And it seems to make sense because we have all experienced this.

The Disease You Will Never Survive

Adults Biology
A simple mis-folding in a certain brain protein causes a disease for which we have no cure.

The Most Complex Language in the World

Adults Biology
You are cells. Your muscles, organs, skin and hair. They are in your blood and in your bones.

There’s No Such Thing As “Warm-” Or “Cold-” Blooded

Adults Biology
The concept of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals is outdated because there are actually tons of different animal thermoregulation strategies.

Lungs Are Great, But They Have One Weakness...

Adults Biology
Our respiratory systems do a great job of protecting us, but they are no match for the smallest pollution particles created by the modern world.

Biologist Answers More Biology Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Adults Biology
Biologist Thor Hanson is back to answer even more of the internet's burning questions about biology.

How Sommeliers Can Taste Which Year Wine is From

Adults Biology
How to Taste Wine Like a Sommelier

Do Other Diseases Have "Long" Versions?

Adults Biology
This video was made in partnership with Bill Gates. COVID isn’t the only virus to cause long-lasting symptoms. Other viruses - including the flu - can have similar enduring effects on our tissues and immune systems.

The Super Secrets of Sewage

Adults Biology
In 2020, many cities started monitoring wastewater for viruses, and there are a lot of non-virus reasons to keep doing it.

How does heart transplant surgery work? - Roni Shanoada

Adults Biology
Dig into the science of how heart transplants happen, how donors are matched and find out how this complex surgery saves lives.

Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar

Adults Biology
Dig into the genetic adaptations of cockroaches, and find out what makes it so hard to get rid of these tenacious creatures.

Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology Preview

Adults Biology
We made flashcards to help you review the content in this series! Find them on the free Crash Course App!

Which Diets Actually Work?

Adults Biology
Debunking some common diets, and seeing which work!