This is a Reading Passage 1 test to give you practice at matching heading questions, identifying information (T/F/NG) questions, and sentence completion questions.

Before reading, discuss these questions with your partner / group:

  • Do you feel safe at night in the city?
  • Does better street lighting help you to feel safer?
  • What’s the biggest difference between the night sky in the city, and in the country?
  • Do you think that street lighting in the city could be considered to be ‘pollution’?

Quickly skim through the article. As you read try to work out the answer to this question:

Which group of scientists suffer if there is too much light in the night sky?

Before reading, check that you understand the meaning of these words:

Word Part of speech Word Part of speech
pitch-black adjective deter verb
illuminate verb correlation noun
beam verb ordinance noun
emanate verb cadre noun
observatory noun testimony noun

