Listen to these words and repeat to practice your pronunciation.

Harry Houdini

David Copperfield

Dorothy Dietrich

an escapologist



Listen and read along to these sentences.

It's hard for young women to get involved in the industry of professional magicians because they don't have a lot of role models to look up to.

It's a shame to see women always cast into the role of assistant instead of illusionist. That's why it's awesome to see professionals like Dorothy Dietrich!

Being a magician is about being hard-working and determined. It doesn't matter where you're from or what you look like as long as you can entertain.

It's rare for a magician to earn as much as David Copperfield does. Usually, magic is not a lucrative career! Only a lucky few get to make it big.

Practice reading those sentences aloud and record your voice or say the sentences out to your class.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

