
Dominica: The Nature Island (2023) | Pristine Seas | National Geographic Society

After the harrowing experiences of Hurricane Maria in 2017, Dominica committed to transforming the island into the world’s first climate-resilient nation.

Hitchhiking Crab Finds Love | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

After being carried away by ocean currents, this Columbus crab is marooned on a temporary home of discarded fishing nets.

Where The Weird Things Are

We made this video in partnership with the Bik Lab at University of Georgia and the National Science Foundation.

Animals Up Close

In Animals Up Close, wildlife filmmaker Bertie Gregory travels the world braving extreme environments to reveal the wonders of wildlife in even the most remote of locations. 219 days in the field posed no shortage of challenges for him and his team, but the often unpredictable conditions led to some incredible once-in-a-lifetime animal experiences.

Hitchhiking Crab Finds Love | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

After being carried away by ocean currents, this Columbus crab is marooned on a temporary home of discarded fishing nets. But, an opportunity is coming his way, if only he is brave enough to take it.

The best pregnancy test used to be this frog ... no, really - Carly Anne York

Dig into how African clawed frogs can help detect human pregnancy, and how their use in experiments had unintended consequences.

The World's Longest Beak

The sword-billed hummingbird has exclusive access to food that other birds simply cannot reach, but having such a long bill does have its drawbacks.

Chernobyl's Radioactive Puppies Need Your Help!

Thirty seven years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster, an incredible population of dogs remains in Chernobyl.

Why So Many Ladybugs Don't Look Like Ladybugs

Ladybugs are red with black spots, right? Well, not always. There's a lot of genetic and evolutionary reasons that they can be different colors with wacky patterns.

Do mosquitos actually bite some people more than others?

Explore the science of what attracts mosquitos, and find out why mosquitos bite some people more than others.

The WEIRD Way Monkeys Got to America

Many of the greatest biological dispersal events in history likely happened because animals inadvertently traveled across the oceans on floating debris.

Relaxing Birdsong for Sleep and Meditation | Relax With Nature | BBC Earth

Relax and soothe the mind with the sounds of toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds and other spectacular bird species as they take flight in the Atlantic Rainforest.

The one thing stopping jellyfish from taking over - Mariela Pajuelo & Javier Antonio Quinones

Dig into why jellyfish populations have increased, and how leatherback sea turtles can help get their numbers under control.

Is Bigger Better?

Elephants might be strong, but they are weak compared to ants because ants have certain advantages that allow them to outlift their larger competitors.

Why Do People Hate Koalas?

On the Internet, koalas get an unnecessary amount of hate, so let's debunk some of the most pervasive koala myths!

Penguin Siblings Race For Food | Growing Up Wild | BBC Earth

In the harsh climate of Antarctica, Adelie penguin siblings take the term 'sibling rivalry' to a new level, their survival depends on it. Pitting the pair against each other will show the parents who is the fittest and most likely to make it in the wild.

How Species Make and Break Friendships

Community ecology is the study of interactions between different species of living things, and lets ecologists examine the effects of predator-prey relationships, parasites, and mutually beneficial interactions. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll examine the myriad interspecies interactions with examples, see how keystone species impact their environment and explore how communities rebuild when they are disrupted, through the lens of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.

How To Get Venom From The World's Deadliest Spider

Huge thanks to the Australian Reptile Park for having us over to film – special thanks to Jake Meney for showing us the spiders and Caitlin Vine for organizing the shoot.

Life in Alaska: Keeping an eye out for salmon and bears | Alaska: The Next Generation

Joel Jacko checks the waterways filled with spawned salmon that are attracting an abundance of nearby animals and predators.

Neuroscientist debunks ‘lizard brain’ myth | Lisa Feldman Barrett

Plato famously described the human psyche as two horses and a charioteer: One horse represented instincts, the other represented emotions, and the charioteer was the rational mind that controlled them.

Humans Living Alongside Brown Bears

In the remote Japanese island of Hokkaido, salmon is abundant, attracting both brown bears and fishermen alike.