
Descending A Huge Chimney In Pitesti

The palms of my hands never stopped sweating.

Mass Extinctions

How Many Mass Extinctions Have There Been?

Simple Survival Life Hacks

We've put together an amazing list of Simple Survival Life Hacks! We'll show you how to make emergency candles, coffee can stoves, waterproof your gear, get rid of mosquitos plus lot's more!

What's Your Biggest Regret?

A chalkboard stood in the middle of New York City asking passersby to write down their biggest regrets. As the board filled up, we noticed that all of these responses had one alarming thing in common.

Aircraft with a capsule to save passengers

This Newly Invented Capsule For Aircraft Can Save Passengers During Catastrophe

57 Years Apart

Precocious 7-Year-Old And Witty 64-Year-Old Talk About Aging

How Long Will You Live?

Cell biology gives clues to why we age and lobsters don't.

Skydiving Without Parachute

Watch Daredevil Jump From Hot Air Balloon Without Parachute Will Make Your Palm Sweat

How do you know you exist?

How do you know you're real? Is existence all just a big dream? Has some mad scientist duped us into simply believing that we exist? James Zucker investigates all of these questions (and more) in this mind-boggling tribute to Rene Descartes's "Meditations on First Philosophy."

What makes a hero?

What trials unite not only Harry Potter or Frodo Baggins but many of literature's most interesting heroes? And what do ordinary people have in common with these literary heroes? Matthew Winkler takes us step-by-step through the crucial events that make or break a hero.

Altwork Station

Now This Is A Super Comfy Workstation Lets You Lie Down

Can You Be Scared To Death?

Is it possible to be scared to death?

GoPro: To Climb An Iceberg in 4K

Hop aboard La Louise as we venture through the arctic waters of Greenland's Disko Bay in search for the ultimate iceberg to summit with professional ice climbers Klemen Premrl and Aljaz Anderle. The icebergs are very fragile and unstable and to make it to the top the climbers must learn a valuable life lesson.

Liquid Water on Mars

Today, NASA announced that there is...occasionally...flowing, liquid water on the surface of Mars. What?!

This Much Will Kill You

A lot of things can kill you - but here are some surprising ones!

Our Greatest Delusion

I am working on some big new projects I'm excited to share with you!

Kung Fu Mantis Vs Jumping Spider

When attacked an orchid Mantis is capable of it's own self defence in the form of Kung Fu. Taken from Life Story.

164-Person Formation

164 jumpers, 7 planes, 175mph, and a new world record! A hand-picked group of pro and amateur divers took to the skies of Chicago in attempt to pull off a world-first: 164 people hand-in-hand in a group formation during total freefall...

World Record Free Solo

on August 2nd 2015 Spencer Seabrooke set out to break the world record for the longest free solo slackline ever. He shattered the previous record by 7 meters!

How to Launch a Nuclear Missile

What was the procedure to launch a nuclear missile?

Tempting Fate on top of Dubai's Princess Tower

AdultsInternet CultureLife
Guys on the roof top in Dubai. Princess Tower .414 m (1,356 ft)