Photo Challenge: Filters
KidsArtCreativityHow-to...Take photos with a twist and create mysterious reflections using sweet wrappers or other items from your home!
Unpoppable Bubbles!
KidsExperimentsScienceEducation...Jessi and Squeaks play with bubbles and learn how to make some that take a really long time to pop!
Turbo The Dog
KidsAnimalsTechnologyPets...Turbo the dog was born without front legs. His rescuer found a way to get Turbo moving again: a special wheelchair, just for dogs!
Dancing Foil
KidsExperimentsScienceFun...Here is a fun, exciting way to make your foil jump, pop, dance and be the life of the party!
Erika Bergman: Finding Aliens Underwater
KidsEnvironmentWorldScience...Erika combines her two great passions: engineering and underwater exploration.
Kylee Makes Drawings FLOAT
KidsArtCreativityFunKylee uses dry erase markers, water, and a smooth surface to make drawings FLOAT in this art for kids video.
Tracking Green Turtles in the Great Barrier Reef
KidsAnimalsNatureEnvironment...Jack dives into the Great Barrier Reef to wrangle Green Sea Turtles for wildlife conservation and study.
How To Draw An Armadillo
KidsAnimalsArtCreativity...Today, we're learning how to draw a funny and cute armadillo cartoon.
Changing Ants Colours
KidsNatureScienceExperimentsWe are taking advantage of the fact that all of a sudden we have lots of ants in our garden by doing some science experiments.