The Secrets of Extreme Breath Holding
AdultsBiologyHealthHumanPsychology... Humans can hold our breath longer than we think by taking advantage of our body’s innate survival instincts - and then ignoring them.
The wild world of carnivorous plants
AdultsBiotechnologyLifeNatureBiologyScience... Venus fly traps, bladderworts and sundews, oh my! Learn about carnivorous plants and their predatory antics to lure, trap and digest prey.
How to biohack your cells to fight cancer
AdultsBiologyHumanScienceHealthBiotechnology... Check out the science of biohacking, where biologists go into a patient’s genetic code and reprogram their immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells.
You Are A Fish
AdultsAnimalsHumanNatureScienceEvolutionBiology... With our current understanding of evolutionary history and our strategy of cladistic naming, if we wanted to have both goldfish and sharks under a single group called "fish", then mammals must also be called fish.
Can Humans Sense Magnetic Fields?
AdultsNeurosciencePsychologyScienceBiology... Research has found some human brains can pick up on rotations of geomagnetic-strength fields as evidenced by drops in alpha wave power following stimulus.
Could A Plant Grow Inside You?
AdultsBiologyHumanNature Plants can live in all kinds of environments...even inside the your body?
Aliens under the Ice – Life on Rogue Planets
AdultsNatureScienceSpaceBiology... Out in the vast coldness of outer space, there are planets that travel alone through darkness without the boundaries of a system. Here’s how this can happen – and why these frozen deserts might secretly harbor alien life.
Why Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar So Dang Hungry?
AdultsAnimalsNatureScienceBiology... Because it's hoarding protein. Not just for itself, but for the butterfly it will become and every egg that butterfly will lay. And it's about to lose its mouth... as it wriggles out of its skin during metamorphosis.
Why Are Fewer People Getting Appendicitis?
AdultsBiologyHealthHistoryScience... There are many other unforeseen health changes that seem to be related to the forces of modernization, like the increase in rates of diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and ADHD.
Can We Get Older Without Aging?
AdultsBiologyScienceSelfHealth... Nothing is guaranteed in life except death, taxes, and entropy. What do other life forms have to teach us about staying alive as we get old, and will we ever conquer death?
Why is meningitis so dangerous?
AdultsBiologyHealthHistoryScience... In 1987, thousands of people gathered in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. But what started out as a celebration led to a worldwide health crisis: more than 2,000 cases of meningitis broke out, spreading across Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world.