4 Plants that Hunt Underground
AdultsEnvironmentLifeNature...Carnivorous plants tend to live in environments where the soil can’t provide enough of the nutrients they need to survive, so they have developed all sorts of methods to trap and consume the critters of the area, including hunting underground!
Are Hurricanes Getting Stronger?
YouthHistoryScienceTechnology...Although we’ll never see a Category 6 hurricane, data does show that more hurricanes are becoming more severe.
Harp Seal Pups are Losing their Homes I Our Frozen Planet I BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsLifeTravel...On opposite ends of our planet, two remarkably similar stories are playing out... and what links them is our changing climate. Meet the scientists witnessing events unfold in these polar regions, and discover their hopes for a better future.
Moth Rescue
KidsAnimalsEnvironmentNatureWhen Tala found a giant moth struggling in the parking lot, she quickly came to her rescue!
King Penguins and Melting Glaciers I Our Frozen Planet I BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsLifeNature...Melting glaciers in South Georgia have opened up new habitat for penguin colonies, but the impacts of ice loss globally are far-reaching – with potentially devastating consequences. If Greenland’s ice sheet were to fully melt, global sea levels could rise by seven metres. Can we work together for a different future?
Befriending A Millipede
YouthAnimalsEducationEnvironment...David Attenborough makes friends with one of natures creepiest crawlies: the millipede.
Earth From Space: UK Heatwave
KidsSpaceTechnologyWorld...The Copernicus Sentinel-3 images show the scale of Britain’s heatwave in August.
Why Are So Many Sharks Disappearing?
YouthAnimalsEnvironmentFacts...Bill Nighy explains why humans have become a Great White Shark's greatest threat.
Bernadina The Baby Hippo
KidsAnimalsEnvironmentFacts...Join Jaida Elcock as she meets the super cute calf and discusses hippo conservations with experts.
How Nature Can Protect Us From Droughts
YouthEnvironmentFactsNatureHealthy ecosystems can reduce the negative impacts of climate change.
Agrology: Helping Farmers Grow More Sustainably
YouthEnvironmentGlobal WarmingTechnologyAdam and Tyler co-founded Agrology to help farmers adapt to changing climates.
Erika Bergman: Finding Aliens Underwater
KidsEnvironmentWorldScience...Erika combines her two great passions: engineering and underwater exploration.
Why Don’t We Cover The Desert With Solar Panels?
YouthConstructionGlobal WarmingScience...Explore what would happen if we covered the Sahara Desert in solar panels, and the possibility of it solving our energy crisis.
Tracking Green Turtles in the Great Barrier Reef
KidsAnimalsNatureEnvironment...Jack dives into the Great Barrier Reef to wrangle Green Sea Turtles for wildlife conservation and study.