
Why Beautiful Things Make us Happy

It’s hard to define what makes something beautiful, but we seem to know beauty when we see it. Why is that and how does beauty affect our subconscious?

Human Horsepower | Because Science Live

What unit do we use to measure "human power"?

Strapped into a sinking helicopter

I graduated from Advanced Helo Underwater Egress Training at Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

What Sperm Whales Can Teach Us About Humanity

Sperm whales are only at the surface for about 15 or 20 minutes at a time, yet photographer Brian Skerry is able to capture beautiful moments of these giant undersea predators.

How Cats Became our Feline Overlords

Check out how cats became our favorite little murder machines.

How Long Can We Live?

The human lifespan might be limited, in part, because natural selection just stops working late in life.

Why do we sweat? - John Murnan

There are a number of scenarios that can make us sweat-including exercise, eating spicy foods, and nervousness.

Do You Hear "Yanny" or "Laurel"? (SOLVED with SCIENCE)

AdultsHumanInternet CultureSocial Media...
Yanny vs. Laurel audio illusion solved! PHEW FINALLY!

Are We All Related?

In part 3 of our special series on human ancestry, we investigate how closely related we all really are.

Could Playing Music DRASTICALLY Change Your Brain?

You might've heard that playing an instrument makes you smarter. Is this true?

Why Do We Itch?

It's one of the most annoying sensations our bodies can feel, but does anything feel better than when you scratch an itch? Ok, maybe *some* things. But itching and scratching are up there. How does this weird sensation work? And what is itching for?

What If You Never Forgot Anything?

How does memory work? And how does... un-memory work? Our brain does a lot of remembering and forgetting every day, so you should probably make room for som info on how it works.

97% of Climate Scientists Really Do Agree

AdultsEcologyGlobal WarmingHuman
Do 97% of climate scientists really agree that humans are the main cause of climate change? Yep! Here's what the 97 percent statistic *really* means.

Your Body is Amazing ft. Christine Sydelko

Discover why your body is a wonderland with Christine Sydelko!

Time: The History & Future of Everything - Remastered

The History & Future of Everything

Mom vs. Dad: What Did You Inherit?

What traits have your parents pass down to you?

What causes body odor? - Mel Rosenberg

Most of us don't need more than one whiff to identify that generally unpleasant, characteristic smell we call body odor.

What If You Didn't Sleep For A Week?

We all know sleep is important, but what if you just.... stopped doing it?

How Smart Are You? (TEST)

AdultsHumanMental Health
Are you actually a genius? Test your intelligence.

The science of skin - Emma Bryce

Between you and the rest of the world lies an interface that makes up 16% of your physical weight. This is your skin, the largest organ in your body: laid out flat, it would cover close to 1.7 square metres of ground.

What Happens In One Lifetime?

A lot can happen during your trips around the sun!