
Primitive Technology: Flywheel blower smelt/Monsoon begins

I tested a fly wheel on the blower. Taking an old clay fly wheel from the pump drill I made many years ago, I attached it to the axle of the one way spinning blower to see how it would effect performance.

A Tiny Spider Home

A tiny spider kept returning so this lady built it a cozy home.

Telling Time To The Hour

KidsEducationKids 125Kids 130...
Learn to tell time to the hour.

Farm Animals

There are so many barnyard animals, can you guess them all? With every clue, you’ll learn more and more about each animal.

Mountain Search Puppy's First Training Session | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

All of these puppies are mountain search dogs in waiting, and they're here for an intensive session with an expert trainer. Will the dogs be able to learn the new skills they need?

Dream in English - Canadian College of English Language

Study English at the Canadian College of English Language in Vancouver, Canada. For more information contact our team.

Bill Gates Traumatized His Parents: The Early Years You Don't Know About | The Big Interview | WIRED

Businessman, philanthropist, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates sits down with WIRED Editor-At-Large Steven Levy to discuss the inspiration behind his new book 'Source Code: My Beginnings'.

Measurement Mystery

YouthEducationMathYouth 120...
In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina uses them to solve the mystery of what she tripped over last night.

The Mysterious History Of Valentine's Day

CBC Kids News contributor Mela Pietropaolo and her sidekick-cat Blossom explore three different theories for why we celebrate Valentine's Day in this month’s KN Explains.

What Does Your Happy Dance Look Like?

Watch and see how Caitie and her friends do their happy dance and move like a firework.

Are Science and Religion Compatible?: Crash Course Religions #19

Religion and science have had some famously messy fights, but do they always have to be in conflict? In this episode of Crash Course Religions, we’ll look at some ways religion and science are more than just enemies.

Why I stopped washing my rice.

If you have ever struggled with cooking rice at home, or have ever wondered when, if, or how much you should wash your rice. It's not your fault...the way we’ve conventionally been taught how to cook rice at home is completely backwards.

Writing A Short Story: Drafting

Part three of the challenge of writing your own short story.

Paddleboarding Pups

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This pack of pups are embarking on a paddleboarding adventure down the Thames.

I Like To Ride My Bicycle

Let's go on a bike ride with Mr. Monkey and friends as we sing along.

Discover in English - Canadian College of English Language

Study English at the Canadian College of English Language in Vancouver, Canada. For more information contact our team.

The four questions that can help your mind heal | Byron Katie

“I saw that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, and when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer.”

Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Are you wondering, “Why can't dogs eat chocolate?” This question came from Valentina, a student from the United States.

The Smellyphant

Get ready to giggle. This silly tale shows that what's on the outside can sometimes be deceiving.

Bluey Minisode: Blocks

Bluey and Bingo have built an enormous tower of blocks.

Is THORIUM the Future of Nuclear Power?

Since the 1960s, we’ve known that light water nuclear reactors weren’t the only way to generate electricity by splitting the atom. One alternative design, so-called “molten salt reactors,” were more complicated, but potentially much more safe and economical.