
Comma II

YouthGrammarWritingYouth 120...
Learn advanced uses for the comma.

Rare Underwater Killers

YouthAnimalsNatureYouth 120...
Have you ever heard of the Blue-ringed Octopus? Or for that matter, the Cone Snail? Find out more about these deadly sea creatures here!

How Do Radar Satellites Work?

Discover how radar technology is helping us unlock hidden insights about our planet.

Advanced Comma Rules

Let's learn some advanced comma rules!

Why Are Robins So Aggressive?

YouthAnimalsNatureYouth 110...
You might be familiar with the festive sight of a robin perched in the snow, but these sweet songbirds have quite a sinister side!

Cancer Research: What Are Scientists Doing To Help?

YouthHealthScienceYouth 120...
Ricky and Diego visit a lab in Manchester to see what work scientists are doing to help treat the disease.

How To Use Commas

YouthGrammarWritingYouth 110...
Learn how to properly use a comma within a sentence.

Hunting For Properties

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about what properties are and how we can measure them to tell us more about an object.

Strange News

Emma-Louise has some weird and strange stories this week with a yodelling expert, a chilly marathon and a Kung Fu Panda up a tree.

What Is A Glacier Mouse?

Glaciers are extreme environments, but some are home to 'glacier mice', orange-sized moss balls that seem to move in a peculiar, animal-like way.

Tobi's Question: What Is A Supernova?

Are your kids wondering, “What is a supernova?” This question came from Tobi, a student from the United States.

The Big Cat With The Coolest Claws

How many claws do cats have? What are claws made of? This is the show that pits the ultimate big cats against one another, in a ferocious battle of skills.

The Tongass National Forest

As Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell traverse over 2,000 miles to reach the Devils Thumb, their last stop is the Tongass National Forest—one of the most biodiverse places in North America.

Following The Sun

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about that marvellous big ball of light in the sky; The Sun!

Can An AI Chatbot Really Be Your Friend?

YouthArtificial IntelligenceRelationshipsTechnology...
Is it possible to have a healthy friendship with an AI chatbot? CBC Kids News contributor Mela Pietropaolo spoke to two experts to find out more.

Lying Down Mindfulness

This is a compilation of videos in which children lie down, relax and close their eyes. Perfect for the end of the school day or before bedtime!

Vincent Van Gogh: My Story

Do you know Vincent van Gogh's story? It's a story of a misunderstood, stubborn man who wouldn't give up. A story about needing to do what you're good at.

Red-Crowned Cranes

These beautiful birds are icons in Japan, and it is believed they bring luck and even love.

How Does A Wombat Poo In Cubes?

Unlike some might believe, wombat's don't have square shaped bottoms, so how do they poo in cubes?

Earth's Rotation & Revolution

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about the Earth's rotation and revolution.

Unlikely Friendship: Gilbert & Coco

Meet Gilbert, the potbellied pig, and Miss Coco, the Polish Hen, who have formed an incredible bond at Wilmslow Animal Sanctuary in Cheshire.