Now you try it!

Intro Student One Student Two

In this activity, you will practice asking focused questions.

Work with a partner. One of you will be Student One and the other will be Student Two. First, Student One will choose a card and begin the conversation:   

Попрацюйте з партнером. Кожен з вас повинен вибрати карту.

Student 1: Start with a greeting (Hi! How’s it going? What’s up? What’s new?) then read the card out loud. 

Спікер 1: Почніть з привітання (Привіт! Як справи? Що сталося? Що нового?), а потім прочитайте картку вголос.

Student 2: Greet your partner, listen to what they say and respond with a focused question.

Спікер 2: Привітайтеся з партнером, вислухайте, що він говорить, і дайте відповідь, поставивши сфокусоване запитання.

Student 1: Explain the word that your partner didn’t understand. 

Спікер 1: Поясніть слово, яке не зрозумів ваш партнер.

Student 2: Say mm hmm (or Okay/I see/I get it) to show you understand. Then read your card.  

Спікер 2: Скажіть "ммм" (або "Окей", "Я бачу", "Я зрозумів"), щоб показати, що ви зрозуміли. Тоді прочитайте свою картку.

For example, you both pick a card. 

Наприклад, ви обидва вибираєте картку. Почніть з привітання, а потім...

I really love to eat vermicelli! (type of rice noodle)
Student 1: Start with a greeting and then read your card. Say ‘blahblah’ instead of the underlined word.

1: Прочитайте свою картку. Скажіть "бла-бла" замість підкресленого слова.

Student 2: Ask a focused question.
2. Поставте сфокусоване запитання.

Student 1: Explain the word.
1: Поясніть слово.

Student 2: Say mm hmm
2: Скажіть “мм хмм”

Listen to this example of people keeping their conversation going.

Послухайте цей приклад того, як люди підтримують розмову.

I work in Food Services with Bogdan. (that nice guy from Ukraine)
Student 2: Read your card. Say ‘blahblah’ instead of the underlined word.

2: Прочитайте свою картку. Скажіть "бла-бла" замість підкресленого слова.

Student 1: Ask a focused question.
1. Поставте сфокусоване запитання.

Student 2: Explain the word.
2: Поясніть слово.

Student 1: Say mm hmm
1: Скажіть “мм хмм”

Listen to this example of people keeping their conversation going.

Послухайте цей приклад того, як люди підтримують розмову.

Now click on the Student One or Student Two tab above

I really love to eat vermicelli! (type of rice noodle)
Student 1: Read your card. Say ‘blahblah’ instead of the underlined word.

1: Прочитайте свою картку. Скажіть "бла-бла" замість підкресленого слова.

Student 2: Ask a focused question.
2. Поставте сфокусоване запитання.

Student 1: Explain the word.
1: Поясніть слово.

Student 2: Say mm hmm
2: Скажіть “мм хмм”

She has the measles!

(a kids’ disease, causes a high temperature and small red spots that cover the whole body)

We went to Hawaii for our vacation last year.

(an island state in the US)

My friend who works in Hematology lost her job yesterday.

(where they study blood diseases)

Charlize Theron is my favorite actor.

(an actor originally from South Africa; she was in the Mad Max movie)

I signed up to take CNA classes! I start next month.


I have to work overtime this weekend for 4 hours!


I work in Food Services with Bogdan. (that nice guy from Ukraine)
Student 2: Read your card. Say ‘blahblah’ instead of the underlined word.

2: Прочитайте свою картку. Скажіть "бла-бла" замість підкресленого слова.

Student 1: Ask a focused question.
1. Поставте сфокусоване запитання.

Student 2: Explain the word.
2: Поясніть слово.

Student 1: Say mm hmm
1: Скажіть “мм хмм”

The cafeteria has Tom Yum soup on the menu.

(this great soup from Thailand with shrimp and lime juice, and fish sauce…)

The classes are going to be held at the community college.

(It’s a two-year college that is not too expensive.)

I’ll meet you at 15:35, okay?

(It is military time for 3:35 pm.)

Jane asked if you could bring a pound of potato salad to the potluck.

(1/2 a kilo)

That patient is 102 years old!


Can you cover for me on Friday? I have to take my mother to her physical therapy appointment.

