
Your Immune System is More Dangerous than You Think

Adults Biology
There is this idea floating around that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. That surviving a disease leaves you better off. And it seems to make sense because we have all experienced this.

The Disease You Will Never Survive

Adults Biology
A simple mis-folding in a certain brain protein causes a disease for which we have no cure.

The Most Complex Language in the World

Adults Biology
You are cells. Your muscles, organs, skin and hair. They are in your blood and in your bones.

There’s No Such Thing As “Warm-” Or “Cold-” Blooded

Adults Biology
The concept of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals is outdated because there are actually tons of different animal thermoregulation strategies.

Lungs Are Great, But They Have One Weakness...

Adults Biology
Our respiratory systems do a great job of protecting us, but they are no match for the smallest pollution particles created by the modern world.

Biologist Answers More Biology Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Adults Biology
Biologist Thor Hanson is back to answer even more of the internet's burning questions about biology.

How Sommeliers Can Taste Which Year Wine is From

Adults Biology
How to Taste Wine Like a Sommelier

Do Other Diseases Have "Long" Versions?

Adults Biology
This video was made in partnership with Bill Gates. COVID isn’t the only virus to cause long-lasting symptoms. Other viruses - including the flu - can have similar enduring effects on our tissues and immune systems.

The Super Secrets of Sewage

Adults Biology
In 2020, many cities started monitoring wastewater for viruses, and there are a lot of non-virus reasons to keep doing it.

How does heart transplant surgery work? - Roni Shanoada

Adults Biology
Dig into the science of how heart transplants happen, how donors are matched and find out how this complex surgery saves lives.

Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar

Adults Biology
Dig into the genetic adaptations of cockroaches, and find out what makes it so hard to get rid of these tenacious creatures.

Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology Preview

Adults Biology
We made flashcards to help you review the content in this series! Find them on the free Crash Course App!

Which Diets Actually Work?

Adults Biology
Debunking some common diets, and seeing which work!

An Egg Is Just One Cell

Adults Biology
One of Earth's biggest cells is one you're probably really familiar with.

Why do cats have vertical pupils? - Emma Bryce

Adults Biology
Dive into the incredible diversity of animal pupils, and how the different shapes indicate the animal’s role in an ecosystem.

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Adults Biology
Drinking alcohol is one of the most popular things to do across the globe. Some people spend their entire weekends sitting at the bar, but consuming alcohol on a daily or weekly basis can have extremely negative effects on the body.

You Are Immune Against Every Disease

Adults Biology
You are not a person, you are a planet, made of roughly 40 trillion cells. There is so much of you, that if your cells were human-sized, you would be as big as 20 Mount Everests.

Catching Criminals Using Their Relative's DNA

Adults Biology
Your genetic code is probably already in a database, without you ever giving a sample or permission.

You could have a secret twin (but not the way you think) - Kayla Mandel Sheets

Adults Biology
While searching for a kidney donor, Karen Keegan stumbled upon a mystery. After undergoing genetic testing, it turned out that some of her cells had a completely different set of genes from the others.

This Virus Shouldn't Exist (But it Does)

Adults Biology
Hidden in the microverse all around you, there is a merciless war being fought by the true rulers of this planet, microorganisms.

How Fevers REALLY Work

Adults Biology
Fevers are one of our best weapons against infections, but they don't work like you might think.