
The Actual Reason Men Die First

Adults Mental Health
Because females often outlive males, behavior is often blamed - but there is a decent chance our sex chromosomes might be to blame instead.

Your Mental Health in College

Adults Mental Health
There is a lot of stress and anxiety around college, whether you're fresh out of high school or you've decided to go back to school years later.

Is The Joker Legally Insane?

Adults Mental Health
If any supervillain is criminally insane, it has to be The Joker right? But would any real lawyer want him to plead insanity? Kyle puts the Clown Prince of Crime on Trial.

What Causes a Stutter?

Adults Mental Health
We are LIFE NOGGIN! An animated and educational web show designed to teach you all about your awesome life and the brain that makes you able to live it! We answer questions about everything from inside the human body to deep outer space.

How Do Eating Disorders Actually Work?

Adults Mental Health
Today we take a closer look at eating disorders.


Adults Mental Health
Everybody feels lonely sometimes. But only few of us are aware how important this feeling was for our ancestors - and that our modern world can turn it into something that really hurts us.

Can you solve the troll's paradox riddle?

Adults Mental Health
You and your brother have discovered another realm and set off exploring the new wonderful world. Along the way, you see a troll catching creatures in an enormous net. The troll agrees to release the creatures if you can come up with a statement that is both truth and false. Can you come up with the correct sentence and force the troll to release them?

Barriers Are in Your Mind | The Spark

Adults Mental Health
After Albert Lin lost his leg in an accident, he chose to become bionic and rethink his entire world.

What If You Are Stressed Everyday?

Adults Mental Health
Can everyday stress literally kill you? Find out!

How Smart Are You? (TEST)

Adults Mental Health
Are you actually a genius? Test your intelligence.

Why Electroshock Therapy Is Back

Adults Mental Health
Shocking the brain has come and gone as a medical treatment, but it's currently resurging, as it often provides the best form of relief for severe depression and advanced Parkinson's disease.

Agoraphobic Traveler | @streetview.portraits // 60 Second Docs

Adults Mental Health
When Jacqui Kenny was diagnosed with agoraphobia, the fear of leaving home and entering public spaces, she knew she'd never live out her dreams of photographing the world. But with Google Street View she's been able to travel the back roads of the world in places like Mongolia, Senegal, and Chile to become a celebrated photographer. To date she's taken roughly 27,000 screenshots of moments frozen in time, sharing the best ones on her Instagram, @streetview.portraits.

I Was Homeless

Adults Mental Health
Tony and his two older sisters never got along, not ever, for as long as he can remember, and to this day he doesn't understand why. They bullied and tormented him, did and said horrible things to him whenever they could.

How Emotionally Healthy Are You?

Adults Mental Health
"One way to start assessing how badly we have been knocked by our early years - and where we might therefore need to direct most of our repair work and attention - is to identify a range of markers of emotional health and imagine how we fare in relation to them. At least four central ones suggest themselves..."

Meet the Woman that lives IRONMAN | Quest for Kona E4

Adults Mental Health
One of Susanne Vanzijl's two sons has autism, and IRONMAN provides an emotional release. She qualified for the IRONMAN World Championship in 2015, but didn't finish the race. Two years later she is seeking a second chance to compete.

Here's why people are afraid of clowns

Adults Mental Health
Lots of people are creeped out at the site of clown, whether it's at the circus or creeping around in the woods at night. Movies like Stephen King's "It" and the new season of "American Horror Story" featuring some terrifying clowns that take prey on the fears of the viewer.

Why We Are All Addicts

Adults Mental Health
We tend to imagine that we can only become addicted to a few sorts of things. But real addiction is about using something, anything, to keep our real emotions, fears and hopes at bay. There are many more addicts among us than we think.

Here's what it could mean when your dog chases its tail

Adults Mental Health
A dog chasing its tail may be a sign of a direr issue. Like humans, dogs can suffer from a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, called canine compulsive disorder.

This Woman Is Helping Grieving Parents To Heal | Amazing Humans

Adults Mental Health
Funeral Director LeighAnne helps parents through one of the most difficult experiences they can face - the loss of a miscarried or stillborn baby.

Why Some Old People Act Half Their Age: It's in the Brain

Adults Mental Health
Scientists are studying people over 80 whose memories are just as good as someone in their 50s. What sets these 'SuperAgers' apart?

How does your body know what time it is? - Marco A. Sotomayor

Adults Mental Health
Being able to sense time helps us do everything from waking and sleeping to knowing precisely when to catch a ball that's hurtling towards us. And we owe all these abilities to an interconnected system of timekeepers in our brains. But how do they work? Marco A. Sotomayor details how human bodies naturally tell time.