
Google Pixel Buds review

Adults Technology
Google's Pixel Buds get a few of the basics right when it comes to wireless earbuds. Language translation via the Google Translate app is helpful in a pinch, and the Google Assistant experience is genuinely fast and fun. But these $159 earbuds are fussy, from the way that they fit in your ears to the way that they fit in the case. And not everyone will love the open design, which lets lots of outside noise in. The Pixel Buds are Google's first attempt at making wireless earbuds, and it shows.

Star Wars: Jedi Challenges puts you into an AR lightsaber duel

Adults Technology
Star Wars: Jedi Challenges is a recently released augmented reality toy created by Disney and Lenovo, where you can use your phone to fight lightsaber duels and play Holochess.

Elon Musk's Basic Economics

Adults Technology
Imagine a $2,000 car... or a $100 laptop... or a $70 iPhone... or imagine any product, ten times cheaper than it was.

All Hollywood VFX Removed! What Movies Really Look Like

Adults Technology
It used to be that what you saw on a movie set would pretty much be what you saw in the final movie. If you wanted to have a mountain in the background, you'd have to go to one.

The U.S. & Russia Are Building a Deep Space Gateway, Here's What You Need to Know

Adults Technology
The U.S. and Russia have announced plans to put a new structure in the orbit of the moon. What will it look like?

This Engineer's Crazy Plan to Clean Air with Smog-Sucking Bikes

Adults Technology
These bicycles are designed to filter smog out of the air as you ride. This could be a game changer for smoggy cities like Beijing.

GoPro HERO6: This Is the Moment in 4K

Adults Technology
Live the moment. Capture the moment. Share the moment. HERO6 is here, and the moment is now.

How Do Helicopters Fly Without Wings?

Adults Technology
Engineering tons of metal to fly straight up is no easy feat. Here's how helicopter blades make vertical flight a reality.

Engineers Love to Break Airplanes Before You Fly in Them, Here's Why

Adults Technology
Airplane technology has come a long way, but it has limits. Lucky for us, there are teams of people whose job it is to find those limits.

Why China is putting robots in nursing homes

Adults Technology
China has more than 230 million senior citizens. To keep them company, it's encouraging nursing homes to buy companionship robots.

Myths and Facts About Superintelligent AI

Adults Technology
We live in an era of self driving cars, autonomous drones, deep learning algorithms, computers that beat humans at chess and go, and so on. So it's natural to ask, will artificial superintelligence replace humans, take our jobs, and destroy human civilization? Or will AI just become tools like regular computers. AI researcher Max Tegmark helps explain the myths and facts about superintelligence, the impending machine takeover, etc.

Is it possible to create a perfect vacuum? - Rolf Landua and Anais Rassat

Adults Technology
The universe is bustling with matter and energy. Even in the vast, apparent emptiness of intergalactic space, there's one hydrogen atom per cubic meter. But is there such thing as a total absence of everything? Is it possible to make a completely empty space? Rolf Landua and Anais Rassat explain the science behind vacuums.

The Problem With Our Phones

Adults Technology
They are hugely useful of course but in many ways, we buy the advantages our phones give us at a subtly high price we don't entirely recognise. Some reflections on how to live well around phones.

The Plane of the Future

Adults Technology
What's Actually the Plane of the Future looks like?

How a Haitian village cooks with sunlight

Adults Technology
This sustainable initiative is helping to save Haiti's forests.

These College Students Built a Hyperloop Pod... Here's What Happened

Adults Technology
College can be stressful with all the classes, exams and social events to balance. Now, imagine doing all that while building a Hyperloop pod that will be judged by Elon Musk... no pressure. A scrappy group of students from Wisconsin boldly took on that challenge, and they learned that no matter how many all-nighters you pull, there's always more work to be done.

Why Trains are so Expensive

Adults Technology
Trains require a lot of people to operate.

Will we ever be able to teleport? - Sajan Saini

Adults Technology
Is teleportation possible? Could a baseball transform into something like a radio wave, travel through buildings, bounce around corners, and change back into a baseball? Oddly enough, thanks to quantum mechanics, the answer might actually be yes... sort of! Sajan Saini explains.

Lasers Are Great, But Diamond Superlasers Are Better, Here's Why

Adults Technology
Scientists have discovered how to create a real life 'superlaser' using an ultra-pure diamond. How exactly does it work?2

The World's Largest Airport | China's Future MEGAPROJECTS: Part 3

Adults Technology
China is building the world's largest airport, the Beijing Daxing International Aiport, to serve the Jing-Jin-Ji megalopolis.

MIT's self-folding origami technology

Adults Technology
MIT's self-folding origami technology that could change how we design everything from airbags to wearables.