
How do viruses jump from animals to humans?

Adults Biology
Discover the science of how viruses can jump from one species to another and the deadly epidemics that can result from these pathogens.

The Tiny Creatures You Didn't Know You Were Drinking

Adults Biology
Billions of tiny new friends. Just think of it like that...

The Bacteria That Made Life Possible Are Now Killing Us

Adults Biology
Thanks to the St. Croix Watershed Research Station for sponsoring this video!

Why Do We Cringe?

Adults Biology
I posted cringe, but it's educational!

Tiny Bombs in your Blood - The Complement System

Adults Biology
One of the key players of our immune system is the complement system. An army of millions and trillions of tiny bombs, which work together in a complex and elegant dance to stop intruders in your body.

The Bacteria That Made Life Possible Are Now Killing Us

Adults Biology
Thanks to the St. Croix Watershed Research Station for sponsoring this video!

Can Aquaman Drown?

Adults Biology
Even if you aren't a huge Aquaman fan, most people still know that he's a superhero that is capable of surviving and fighting crime both on land and underwater.

What Happens To Your Body If You Get Stabbed?

Adults Biology
The answer isn't just "YOU DIE"! *puts away katana*

How to Turn Cancer Against Itself

Adults Biology
This video was made in partnership with the Swiss National Science Foundation.

What makes TB the world's most infectious killer?

Adults Biology
Learn why tuberculosis, TB, is the world’s most infectious disease and how medical advancements are improving treatment.

Your body vs. implants - Kaitlyn Sadtler

Adults Biology
Why do medical implants like insulin pumps and prosthetic knees need replacement? Explore how the immune system fights implants and how new devices are trying to help.

What Happens To Your Memories After You Die?

Adults Biology
When we're no longer on this earth, what happens to all the memories in our heads? Do people remember their passing if they're brought back to life?

Why Do We Talk In Our Sleep?

Adults Biology
Sleepy time!

You Don’t Want to Live Forever

Adults Biology
The idea of immortality has long been a prominent fixture in storytelling, and serves as a much sought after goal even here in real life.

The mysterious science of pain

Adults Biology
Explore the biological and psychological factors that influence how we experience pain and how our nervous system reactions to harmful stimuli.

Can a Virus Get a Virus?

Adults Biology
Can a virus get a virus?

The Secrets of Extreme Breath Holding

Adults Biology
Humans can hold our breath longer than we think by taking advantage of our body’s innate survival instincts - and then ignoring them.

What Happens If Your Stomach Gets Removed?

Adults Biology
Can you survive without a stomach? What happens when your stomach is gone?

How to biohack your cells to fight cancer

Adults Biology
Check out the science of biohacking, where biologists go into a patient’s genetic code and reprogram their immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells.

What Happens When You Go To Sleep High?

Adults Biology
Dude. Sleeping high does what?

What Happens When You Freeze To Death?

Adults Biology
Good reason to stay inside during this Polar Vortex!