Company websites are among the best sources of job listings, especially if you know what companies you are interested in working for. You can go directly to the source and search for and apply for jobs online directly on many company websites. At most company sites, you can apply for all level positions online - from part-time hourly jobs to top management positions.
Employers ranging from Telus to Walmart have jobs online, so does the government, non-profit organizations, and schools.
Getting to the Company Website
There are several ways to find company websites:

- Check Company Profiles - these company profiles have career and employment information for many top employers.
- Try the Company Name - Many large companies' URLS are the, so that's a good option to try.
- Google the Company Name and Jobs - Enter the company name plus jobs, such as Walmart jobs, in Google's search box and the jobs section of the website should be among the first results.
- Check .Jobs - Companies are using the .jobs extension to direct job seekers directly to their company information. Enter or search for "" to see if the company you're interested in is using it.
- Use LinkUp - Job search engine LinkUp searches just for jobs on company web sites.
How to Search Company Websites
Jobs are typically listed in the Careers section of the employer's website. Job and Career information may be in a separate section (Careers) or could be under the About Us section.
Just about every company has detailed employment information including job openings, an employment application, company locations, benefits, and how to apply online.
Careers Section
The following information is typically available for job seekers:
- Career options and career paths
- Current job openings
- Job search system
- Job application forms
- Benefits information
- Diversity information
- College recruiting information
About Us Section
The About Us section of employer web sites is is useful for finding out about the company history, financial stability, products and services, management, as well as information about the company culture and how you will fit in.
Apply for Jobs
When the company lists jobs on its website, you'll find instructions for how to apply for open positions. The job application system will guide you step by step through the process of applying.
Find More Company Information
Don't stop there. Use the websites that provide company information to further research the company and to find connections who can help you get hired. Those sites include:

No Job Listings?
If you're not able to find job listings on the company website, and you may not because not all employers list job openings online, use the job search engines to check (search by company name) for job openings at your employer of interest.
By Alison Doyle