Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 11-2.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding pages below. This is a practice of rising intonation in question tags.
Students are presented with eight statements that indicate what they think might be the truth. They need to check with their partner to verify the information. It is not important if the partner knows the answer or not. Students need to change their statements to question tag statements, using correct rising intonation.
On Student One page: You think maybe Amelia Earhart was American.

Amelia Earhart was American, wasn’t she?
Yes, she was.

- You think maybe the date is June 22nd.
- You think maybe fall starts in September.
- You think maybe a new Boeing aircraft is going to come out soon.
- You think maybe the instructor can use ICAO phraseology.
- You think maybe your partner's aircraft has a heads up display.
- You think maybe Beechcraft has a Kingair.
- You think maybe Cessna are cheap.
- You think maybe landing fees will go up next year.
- You think maybe your partner has a new VHF radio.
- You think maybe the next Olympics are in Rio, Brazil.
- You think maybe Charles Lindberg died.
- You think maybe pilots could walk on water.
- You think maybe your partner is going to come to school tomorrow.
- You think maybe it was sunny yesterday.
- You think maybe the Wright Brothers discovered powered flight in America.
- You think maybe Embraer aircraft come from South America.