Vocabulary Slideshow

Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
academic Adjective The academic year starts in September in Canada.
achieve Verb I really want to achieve my goals.
adapter Noun I can talk when I drive because I have a Bluetooth adapter.
advanced Adjective Hybrid cars use advanced technology.
alloy Noun Alloy wheels cost more money.
although Conjunction Although I'm tired, I want to go out to see a movie with my friends.
barbecue Noun, Verb Let's have a barbecue party at the park!
battery Noun A hybrid car’s battery uses less fuel.
because Conjunction I love you because you are rich.
business Noun I'm going to study business in university because I want to start a company.
calm down Phrasal Verb The child will calm down if you don't give him candy.
carry Verb I'll carry your bag for you if you like.
charge Noun, Verb I will charge my electric car battery.
choose Verb Why did you choose the spaghetti? The restaurant is famous for its pizza!
come over Phrasal Verb Do you want to come over tonight and see my new hybrid vehicle?
concert Noun We're going to a Bruno Mars concert tonight together.
confused Adjective I don't understand. I'm so confused!
crazy Adjective Why did you buy a car! You don't have a job! You're crazy!
dashboard Noun Look at the dashboard to check your speed.
date Noun Will you go on a date with me?
decision Noun We are waiting for you to make your decision.
diesel Adjective, Noun My classic VW has an engine that runs on diesel fuel.
digital Adjective, Noun My dashboard gauges are digital.
dream Noun, Verb Last night, I had a dream about you.
emissions Noun Hybrid engines have less emissions.
event Noun The classic car show event is next week.
excited Adjective Are you excited for next year’s models?
experience Noun, Verb I have experience working in a garage.
fall asleep Phrase I went to bed at 10 o'clock, but I fell asleep much later.
forever Adverb I love this. I could do it forever.
free Adjective Are you free tomorrow?
gauge Noun, Verb He didn’t check his fuel gauge, and now his car is out of gas.
get together Phrasal Verb Let's get together for coffee this week.
goal Noun Do you have any goals for the year?
graduate Verb If you don't study, you will not graduate.
hybrid Adjective, Noun A hybrid vehicle uses gas and electricity.
information Noun Could you give us information about the exam?
look for Phrasal Verb I’m looking for a cheap electric vehicle to drive in the city.
maximum Adjective These tires will give you maximum traction.
note Note Could you share your notes from class?
pass Verb I didn't do well on the test, but I passed.
passenger Noun Her electric vehicle has room for a driver and a passenger.
picnic Noun We're having a picnic this afternoon at the park.
probably Adverb It will probably rain tonight.
quit Verb Why did you quit your job?
retire Verb I never want to retire. I will work forever.
rich Adjective Will you pay for lunch? You're rich, and I'm not.
save Verb I'm not going to eat this now. I'm going to save it for later.
social Adjective She is a very social person. She loves to be with her friends and family.
studies Noun How are your studies going?
successful Adjective The student will be very successful in life.
timetable Noun The timetable says that I start work at 3 o'clock.
travel Verb Are you going to rent a car when you travel?
upgrade Noun, Verb I will upgrade my new car to the turbo model.
wash Verb I'm going to wash my car tomorrow.
wear Verb Joe always wears safety glasses.
while Conjunction I read a magazine while I waited for the mechanic to check my car.
worn Adjective My tires are worn. They have no traction, so I will buy four new ones.
wrong Adjective This is the wrong way to the shop. Turn around!


Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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Audio #8




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