In Media 11-3, we are going to study a Youtube video of a relatively unknown rap song about the history of video games. Although it does contain a lot of casual expressions only common in slang, it does depict the interesting history of video game technology.

Part One

Work with a partner or group and discuss the following questions. Teachers: try to have at least one student knowledgeable about video games in each group.

  • What do you know about the history of video game systems? What was the first popular game system? What systems are popular today?
  • What are some video game systems that you or people you know played when you were a child?
  • What have been the major changes in video game technology in the past thirty years?

Part Two

Watch the video as a class. There is no need to take notes or do any kind of exercise during the first viewing.

Part Three

Ensure you understand the meaning, usage, and pronunciation of the Target Vocabulary below.

Part Four

Exercise #1

Open the first exercise and make a copy. Watch and listen to the video again. Complete the lyrics with the missing words.

Part Five

Compare your answers in a group or with a partner. Watch again.

Part Six

Exercise #2

Open the second exercise and make a copy. Work with a partner to do the comprehension exercises.
