Listen to Brayden talk about his life.

Hello, my name is Brayden Trigger and I'm 19 years old. I live in central Queensland Australia with my parents and sister Shannon. Here's a little bit about what a typical day is for me. I wake up at 6am and take a shower while Shannon, my younger sister, cooks us scrambled eggs for breakfast. I sometimes make toast. Then I feed the chickens, dogs and cat and often take a quick ride on my motorbike. I arrive at the school at 7.45am where Shannon and I study. It takes us 30 minutes to get there. My first class of the day is at 8.30am. It's a fitness class where I do cross-country training. I am studying to be a physical education teacher. Then we study anatomy and nutrition. Frequently the teacher gives us a test. At 10.30am we have morning tea and 15 minutes for a break. I often have to finish my math homework so I use my free time for that instead of talking to friends. After our break I have a leadership class. It is an interesting class and one of my favourites. An hour and a half later we go outside for tennis lessons and get to play outside for 45 minutes. At lunchtime I kick a football around with my friend Josh or we sometimes play basketball. In my afternoon class we work with a partner to use the internet for research. We have to look for information about the history of different sports in different parts of the world. My partner Caitlin will give a presentation next week on what we find out. Today I leave the school early at 2.45pm. I usually leave at 4 but today I have to help my dad. He's working on an agricultural show this weekend. I work with my dad to mark each of the cattle entries with a number. This year we have 120 cattle to enter. We get home at 7pm and have tea. I start watching television but I'm too tired. Since I know I'll have a big day at the show tomorrow I think it would be a good idea to get a lot of rest. I normally go to bed at 11.30 but tonight I'm really tired so goodnight!