Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Here & There.
Students work with a partner. Each partner opens the corresponding page.
Students are presented with a short passage. The passage is written with the words, here, this, these, etc. or there, that, those, etc..
During his or her turn, Student One should read the passage to Student Two. Student Two must listen and repeat the passage using the opposite words (ie - here / there, this / that, these / those). Student One should ensure that Student Two's version matches the words in partentheses in his or her text.
In Part Two, students switch roles.
On Student One's page:
Peter is going (coming) to school. He has many friends there (here).

Peter is going to school. He has many friends there.
Peter is coming to school. He has many friends here.

- This (that) cake is delicious.
- Do you come (go) to this (that) city often?
- Why are you going (coming) there (here)?
- Those (these) students speak English.
- I am going (coming) home. I am taking (bringing) my computer.
- Please go (come) to your classroom and take (bring) your things.
- This (that) movie is amazing!
- Those (these) questions are very difficult.
- Is Peter coming (going) here (there) by bus or train?
- Are you eating these (those)?
- I go (come) there (here) every day in the morning.
- This (that) class has 18 students.
- Are you taking (bringing) your family to the party?
- This (that) grocery store isn't very expensive.
- The bus is coming (going).
- These (those) cherries are very good.
- He always eats dinner there (here).
- Do you want this (that) juice?
- Do you know those (these) people?
- It isn't okay to take (bring) food to a movie theatre.