Objectives & Sequence: This activity is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 3-2.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding page. On each page is a list of fourteen activities. Students should pretend they did the activities on their pages in the order listed the previous day.
In addition to this list is a link to an exercise which students should open and make a copy of. In this exercise, fourteen activities done by their partners are listed in jumbled order (with the exception of the first and last activities which have been identified). Students need to arrange these sentences in order by asking their partner. Questions need to be formed using the Past Simple and Past Perfect Simple. When students have finished arranging the sentences in their documents they should show their partners.

When you activated the crash alarm, had you already issued landing clearance?
Yes, I had.

Your Activities Yesterday
- I ate breakfast prior to heading out for my first charter flight of the day.
- I went to the underground parking area and retrieved my car.
- I drove to the airport.
- I parked my car in the employee parking area.
- I did a walk-around my Cessna 210.
- I received my weather briefing at the flight planning office.
- I filed my VFR flight plan with the office.
- I walked out to my aircraft.
- I contacted the control tower requesting taxi clearance.
- I was ready for takeoff and requested departure clearance.
- I departed with a left turn out runway 26L.
- I lost power to the engine and requested an immediate landing.
- I was forced to land on the grass next to the runway.
- I was lucky no injuries and no damage to the aircraft on landing.
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.
Your Activities Yesterday
- I drove to the airport to start my shift in the control tower.
- I was briefed by the duty controller on the airport operation and conditions.
- I relieved the duty controller and assumed responsibility for the tower.
- I issued wind, altimeter and runway in use to the Cessna 210 prior to taxi.
- I assigned taxi clearance to a Cessna 210 for runway 26L.
- I issued takeoff clearance to the Cessna with a left turnout on departure.
- I observed a normal departure and left turn out.
- I received a call from the Cessna indicating he had a engine problem and requesting an immediate landing.
- I issued a unrestricted landing clearance to the aircraft.
- I activated the crash alarm which would cause the crash crews to respond immediately.
- I observed the aircraft landing not on the active runway but on the grass parallel to the runway.
- I observed that the aircraft appeared to have no damage and the pilot clear of the aircraft.
- I received a call from the crash crew indicating no damage to the aircraft, no injuries to the pilot and we are returning to the hall.
- I saw the aircraft towed to the south ramp and clear of the active runway and taxiways.
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.