Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a preview of Grammar 5-3.
All Aviation Students Addendum for Aircrew
Your instructor may assign this or the Addendum or both. Follow the instructions.
Part One
Work with a partner. Try to figure out the words that you think are missing in each conversation below. Then, listen to check your answers:

A: What do you think of these glasses?
B: Hmmm. They're alright. I'm not sure I like the colour on you though.
A: Really? I like this colour.
B: I just don't think green suits you ______ well ______ blue or brown.
A: Really? Okay.

A: How do those ones feel? They're size 7.
B: They feel much ______ than the size 8s.
A: Okay. I'm sure 7.5 will fit you perfectly, but unfortunately, we don't have that size in stock. Shall I call our downtown location to see if they have any?
B: That would be great.
A: Okay, I'll be right back.
B: Thanks.

A: Wow, Dave, nice suit! It looks really smart on you.
B: Thanks. I got it last week.
A: Is it Armani?
B: It is. Armani suits are a little ______ expensive
______ normal ones, but the quality is far ______.
A: Well, you look good.
B: Thanks.

A: Are those new jeans, Jen?
B: They are. I got them at Aritzia on the weekend. They had a really good sale on.
A: You go shopping way more often than ______ ______. I guess I'm not as ______ as you.
B: Well, I do like to wear whatever's new and in style.
A: Yeah, I'm pretty different. If something's comfortable and I like the way it looks, that's good enough for me. I mean, I've had these jeans for a couple of years now. I love 'em.
B: There's nothing wrong with that. They look good on you.
A: Thanks.
Part Two
With your partner, open the exercise "Transcript #1" and practice the conversations.
Part Three
The missing words in the conversations are part of grammatical forms used to make comparisons. To learn more about this grammar, continue to Grammar 5-3: Making Comparisons.
Your instructor may assign this Addendum or both. Follow the instructions.
Part One
The following is a communication between a pilot and control tower. Choose a role with a partner and speak your part, then discuss the questions. Then listen to the audio and complete the Exercise.
Avoiding Trouble
Pilot: Abbotsford Tower, Charlie Golf Uniform November India.
Controller: Charlie Golf Uniform November India, Abbotsford Tower.
Pilot: Abbotsford Tower, Uniform November India, requesting assistance to identify my position, over.
Controller: Uniform November India, Abbotsford Tower, confirm transponder equipped?
Pilot: Affirmative Tower.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, say your altitude, flight conditions and squawk 1207.
Pilot: Tower Uniform November India altitude 2500 feet, I’m VMC above thick smoke or haze from forest fires. I see the ground directly below and mountains around me but I can’t make out any landmarks.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, roger, maintain VFR, confirm squawking 1207.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India, squawking 1207.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, what was your last known position and say your current heading.
Pilot: Tower Uniform November India, Hope at 2122 Zulu. I took up a heading of 210 shortly after Hope, destination Pitt Meadows.
Controller: Roger Uniform November India, what is your heading now?
Pilot: Heading 180, Uniform November India.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, Roger, I’m not picking up your transponder. Are you IFR equipped and instrument rated?
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India, the aircraft has ADF and VOR but I am not instrument rated. My GPS failed over Hope.
Controller: Can you describe your surroundings?
Pilot: I am in a long valley with water below me. I just passed over a small island. I also see a tall snow peaked mountain at twelve o’clock. I estimate it is about 40-50 miles from me.
Controller: Uniform November India Tower, confirm you have been maintaining heading 180 since Hope.
Pilot: Negative Tower, when I lost my position, I headed north looking for landmarks and then turned back.
Controller: Roger Uniform November India. Maintain VFR and confirm altimeter set 29.96.
Pilot: Altimeter set 29.96, Uniform November India.
Controller: Uniform November India: Say your type of aircraft, fuel and souls on board.
Pilot: Cessna 172. I have about one hour of fuel remaining – about nine gallons. I am the only person on board.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, I am picking up an intermittent bearing on our VDF of 040 degrees. I suspect you are below radar coverage and possibly in the Harrison Lake area.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India, Roger.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, are you able to climb to 3500. Possible high terrain in your path at 3000. Maintain VFR at all times.
Pilot: Tower Uniform November India, climbing to 3500. Maintaining VFR.
Controller: Uniform November India Tower, report any significant land marks. Chilliwack and Abbotsford weather - no clouds, 2 miles in smoke and haze below 2500 feet, winds are light and variable. Forecast is for this to continue for the next several hours.
Pilot: Roger, Uniform November India.
Controller: Uniform November India, do you wish to declare an emergency?
Pilot: Negative. Requesting assistance to identify location and flight following to the nearest airport for fuel.
Controller: Uniform November India Tower, Roger.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India, I have just passed over a small town on the south end of a lake. I am following a highway on heading 170.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, Roger. Suspect you are over Harrison Hot Springs. Chilliwack is the closest airport bearing 210 magnetic from Harrison. Recommend you maintain your current heading until you see the Fraser River.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India WILCO.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India, I am over the river now, turning to heading 210.
Controller: Uniform November India Tower Roger. I have a target 30NM North East. Squawk Ident.
Pilot: Uniform November India Squawking Ident.
Controller: Uniform November India Tower, Radar identified 30 NM North East of Abbotsford. You are 12 NM North East of Chilliwack airport.
Pilot: Uniform November India, Roger, thank you Tower.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, suggest heading 230 for Chilliwack. Maintain VFR at all times. Can you see a railway?
Pilot: Tower Uniform November India, turning right to 230. Maintaining VFR. Railway visual.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, position five miles north east of Chilliwack.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India, roger, looking.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, the visibility at Chilliwack confirmed by another aircraft at three miles in smoke.
Pilot: Roger, I am seeing farms and buildings now and have what I believe is the main highway off to my left.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, Roger. Position is three miles north east of Chilliwack airport. Advise airport in sight.
Pilot: Tower Uniform November India, airport in sight.
Controller: Uniform November India, Tower, Roger. Traffic Cessna 210 about to take off Chilliwack Runway 24 IFR West bound. Radar service terminated. Altimeter 29.97. Switch Chilliwack Unicom. Good day.
Pilot: Tower, Uniform November India. Roger, Altimeter 29.97. Thanks for your assistance. Switching Unicom.
Discuss the following with your partner:
- Why did the pilot contact air traffic control?
- Do you agree with contacting ATC in this situation? Why or why not?
- Should the pilot have declared an emergency or PAN?
- When the visibility deteriorated resulting in difficulty maintaining VFR, what were the pilot’s options? Would you have done things differently and if so why?
Part Two
Open Exercise #1A to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.