How To Make Geometry Art
KidsArtCreativityHow-toCreate a geometric pencil drawing inspired by artist Nabil Nahas.
Floating Dry Ice Experiment
KidsScienceExperimentsWhat happens when dry ice is added to a shallow amount of water? In this experiment, you can test this out for yourself.
Make Art Using A Cardboard Box
KidsArtCreativityDIYJoin Leon, Joelle and Sam from Woodland Tribe as they have fun making different structures and pieces of art using cardboard, including a rocket ship!
A Gigantic Hotel
KidsTravelWorldArchitectureTake a submarine ride to dinner at the sailboat shaped Burj al Arab, one of the fanciest hotels in the world.
How To Draw Spiny From Mario
KidsArtCreativityDesign...Today, we're learning how to draw Spiny from Mario, everyone's favourite spike turtle!
How To Make A Unicorn Puppet
KidsArtCreativityDIYHave a dig in the recycling bin for some of the materials for this fun DIY make inspired by Swiss artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Dada marionettes.
5 Density Science Experiments
KidsEducationScienceExperimentsIf you want to see cool science experiments that are easy to do and learn about density, then you've come to the right place.