Talk about it
Which type of culture did you grow up in (collectivist or individualist) and which ‘feels right’ to you?
У якій культурі ви виросли (колективістській чи індивідуалістичній), і яка з них "здається вам правильною"?
When are you comfortable giving opinions and agreeing or disagreeing with others? When are you not comfortable doing that?
Коли вам комфортно висловлювати свою думку, погоджуватися чи не погоджуватися з іншими? А коли вам не зручно це робити?
Here are some expressions you can use:
Giving your opinion |
So I think… It seems to me… In my experience/country/family… |
Checking |
Do you mean….? Are you asking…? Are you talking about…? |
Thinking time |
Hmmmmm… Let me think (about that). I’m not really sure… I haven’t really thought about that before. |
Complimenting |
That’s a good question. Good point. |
Choosing not to answer |
(change the subject) I could use a cup of coffee! Hmm, that’s a little personal. I’d rather not talk about that. |
Involving other people |
What do you think? How about you? |