Smrt Platform

Put your students on the pathway to success with our Smrt English platform.


The classroom tab opens up the classroom experience with attendance features and any administration selected courses. All course content is within easy access of this page in a table of contents design.

Engaging Lessons

The Lessons on the platform are flexible to the needs of the institution, instructors and students. The core material is divided by skill and is taught in various ways, including the traditional lecture, student centred, and flipped classroom styles.

Automated Exercises

Exercises are shared by the teacher and automatically marked once submitted.


In core material, each unit has a corresponding quiz, each level has a final exam as a well as practice exams or unit projects for Kids and Youth. Most assessment is auto-corrected within the Smrt platform and results saved in student profiles and teacher grade books.

Automated Attendance

Attendance is always important in learning. The Smrt platform has a feature for teachers to take attendance daily for each group or class. Attendance will be recorded for the administrator, instructor, and student (individual information only) to access.

Explore Smrt's Innovative Teaching Tools and ESL Curriculum.