Vocabulary Slideshow
Vocabulary List
Word | Part of Speech | Example |
spy | Noun | I love spy movies like James Bond. |
gadget | Noun | Ever since I was a kid, I have been really into the newest gadgets. |
technology | Noun | I like cars that have good GPS technology. |
explosion | Noun | My friend likes action movies for all the explosions. |
career | profession | Noun | I want to have a career in the automotive industry. |
professor | Noun | I still talk to my college professors, even after graduating. |
appearance | Noun | That car is slow, but it has the appearance of speed. |
actor | Noun | There are many great actors that haven't won any Oscars. |
talent | Noun | You have to have a lot of talent to be a stunt driver. |
audition | Noun | Even the highest paid actors must audition for roles. |
role | Noun | I love that actor, but I hate seeing her in the role of a villain. |
stunt | Noun | Some actors do all their own stunts. |
take | Noun | There was too much noise; let's try that take again. |
scene | Noun | Shh! Be quiet, I love this scene. |
3D Printer | Noun | Can I use your 3D printer for this project? |
layers | Noun | There are many layers of paint on that car. |
prototype | Noun | The 2020 models are still just prototypes. |
achievement | Noun | Graduation is just one of many achievements you will have. |
precision | Noun | You have to have precision if you are a stunt driver. |
communication | Noun | Communication is the foundation of any relationship. |
manufacturing | Noun | I really like cars, but mostly on the manufacturing side. |
patent | Noun | Many car companies have patents on their special designs. |
2-stroke engine | Noun | 2-stroke engines are simpler, so I love to work on them. |
4-stroke engine | Noun | I really like the complexity of 4-stroke engines. I think they're genius! |
private | Adjective | The rich business owner took a private airplane to the event. |
public | Adjective | I love the public transportation in our city. It's so easy to get around. |
real | Adjective | Climate change is a real problem. It's not made up. |
fake | Adjective | I don't think that watch is a real Rolex. It looks like a fake to me. |
cost-effective | Adjective | We don't have a lot of money so we need another cost-effective option. |
well-known | Adjective | The well-known racer was interviewed after he won the gold medal. |
wealthy | Adjective | The company was started by a wealthy family. |
confident | Adjective | He has always been a confident person. |
rapid | Adjective | The rapid sales of the car are very surprising. |
similar | Adjective | These two children are very similar. |
open-source | Adjective | The open-source software is really cool. |
-friendly | Adjective Suffix | user-friendly, driver-friendly, travel-friendly, etc. |
impress | Verb | Her driving ability really impressed me! |
influence | Verb | My mother really influenced me to study engineering. |
show off | Verb | Hey, do you want to come for a drive with me? I want to show off my new car to my parents. |
introduce | Verb | Hey, I'd like to introduce you to my friend. This is Sara. |
shoot | Verb | We can't drive down that street because they're shooting a movie today. |
attempt | Verb | He is attempting to break a world record. |
focus | Verb | You need to focus more in class if you want a better grade. |
engineer | Verb | The company will have to engineer a new engine. |
prevent | Verb | What can we do to prevent climate change? |
abuse | Verb | I have been really abusing my car. I should take better care of it. |
safely | Adverb | You need to drive safely in the snow. |
consistently | Adverb | Apple is consistently making great phones. |
especially | Adverb | I would especially like to test drive the electric car. |
eventually | Adverb | He will eventually get his driver's license. He's just so busy now. |
however | Adverb | I like motorcycles. However, I will never buy one. |
a good fit | Phrases | I think this college is a good fit for you! |
high speed chase | Phrases | Did you see that high speed chase on the news? |
geared towards | Phrases | This college is really geared towards students who want to learn about the automotive industry. |
Vocabulary Dictation
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