It is common for students to have trouble making their subjects and verbs agree. Agreement means that a singular subject needs a verb in the singular form, and a plural subject needs a verb in the plural form. While this type of mistake does not usually affect the overall meaning of your sentence, it is a very noticeable error that will take away from the credibility of your writing. Here are some basic examples of subject verb agreement.

  • Singular subject and Singular verb
    • A teacher often expects students to show initiative in class.
  • Plural subject and Plural verb
    • Teachers and their assistants meet every week to discuss student progress.
  • Singular subject and Singular verb
    • One of my most challenging classes was a course in logic.
  • Plural subject and Plural verb
    • There are many reasons for the increased enrolment.

This is a basic concept, but even high-level students make errors in subject verb agreement from time to time. Here are some things to consider in order to help you avoid this type of error.

Compound Subjects

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