The present continuous tense is formed using:

subject + verb 'be' + present participle (-ing)

Subject Present form 'be'  Present Participle
I am planting a tree.
You are
He, She, It is
We, You, They are

We can also use the present continuous tense to make negative sentences using:

subject + verb 'be' + not + present participle (-ing)

Subject Present form 'be'  not Present Participle
I am not wasting water.
You are
He, She, It is
We, You, They are

Remember, you can always use contractions for 'be,' like 'I'm' and 'you're.'

Here are some examples of sentences that use the present continuous.

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I'm cooking a very hot dish.

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We are wearing matching clothes!

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Come on, you're driving to school!

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They're riding horses together.

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I'm not cleaning this up!

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He's playing the piano very well.

