In this lesson we’ll watch and listen to a scientific experiment called the Large Hadron Collider.

Before watching and listening, think about this question:

  • Why might scientists build such a large and expensive experiment?
  • What do they hope to find out?


Before listening, check that you understand the meaning of these words:

Word Part of speech Example
circumference noun The island was roughly circular in shape and about 50 km in circumference.
collide verb When two cars collide at high speed it can be extremely damaging.
experiment noun We’ll need to run an experiment to find out if the students are learning anything.
detect verb What’s that smell? Can you detect smoke?
particle noun Smoke is made of tiny particles suspended in the air.
complicated adjective The timetable system is too complicated for the students to understand easily.
magnet noun You need a magnet to pick up those tiny pieces of metal.
accelerate verb Release the brake and accelerate smoothly away from the traffic lights.
observable adjective She’s getting better although there’s no observable change.
nuclear adjective Nuclear power is crucial but dangerous source of energy.

Watch the video up to 4m 35s. Answer questions on this first section of the video but you can watch the whole thing if you like.

