This is to give you practice answering questions during the extended talk (Part 2) and answering follow-up questions (Part 3) of the Speaking Test.

Part 2: Practice

Describe something you do to keep healthy.

You should say:

  • what this activity is
  • when you do it
  • how often you do it
  • and explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health.


Part 3: Practice

Before you practice these questions, think about what you have to do to answer them: give an explanation? Speculate about the future? Make a comparison?

  1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?
  2. Do you think people worry more about their health as they get older?
  3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging their health?
  4. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?
  5. Should the government force people to live healthily, or is it the individual’s responsibility?
  6. Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years?
  7. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
  8. How do you think medicine will change in the future?

Part 3 answers: Guidance

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