

  • subject + verb + comparative adjective + than + object


  • Joe is taller than Tina.
subject verb comparative adjective than object
Joe is taller than Tina

To make comparative adjectives, use the chart below:

1 sound more than 2 sounds ends in “-y” irregular
adjective + er

tall => taller

more+ adjective

beautiful => more beautiful

adjective (minus y) + ier

happy = >happier

good => better

bad => worse

  • My cat is smaller than my dog. (small = 1 sound)
  • A steak is more delicious than a hamburger. (delicious = more than 2 sounds)
  • This movie was funnier than the last movie. (funny = end s in “-y”)
  • The weather today is worse than the weather yesterday. (bad = irregular)



  • subject + verb + the + superlative adjective + object + location


  • He is the tallest student in the class.
subject verb the superlative adjective object location
He is the tallest student in the class

To make superlative adjectives, use the chart below:

1 sound more than 2 sounds ends in “-y” irregular
adjective + est

tall => tallest

most + adjective

beautiful => most beautiful

adjective (minus y) + iest

happy => happiest

good => best

bad => worst

  • She is the shortest girl in the room. (short = 1 syllable)
  • They are the most wonderful students in the world. (wonderful = more than 2 sounds)
  • Sloths are the sleepiest animals at the zoo. (sleepy = ends in “-y”)
  • This is the best room in the hotel. (good = irregular)


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

