It can often be confusing to figure out when to use 'a' and when to use 'the.' The most important rule is that you should use definite articles when both you and the person you are speaking to know the specific noun you are talking about.

Previously Mentioned

In the previous lesson, you learned about indefinite articles. Indefinite articles are often used to introduce nouns when they are first mentioned. Definite articles can be used to elaborate on these nouns.

Indefinite Article Definite Article
I got into a fight with a girl in my class. The girl had been trying to steal something from my locker!
Manuela walked into a cafe. The cafe was quiet and peaceful.
We want to buy (♦) shoes and a dress. The shoes have to be black to match our jewellery.

Note that we can also use synonyms or pronouns to replace the indefinite article. Although there is no definite article in the second sentence, it is still specific.

Indefinite Article Definite Article
I got into a fight with a girl in my class. She had been trying to steal something from my locker!
Manuela walked into a cafe. The coffee shop was quiet and peaceful.
We want to buy (♦) shoes and a dress. They both have to be black to match our jewellery.

Can be Seen, Heard or Identified

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