Coordinating conjunctions are easy to use and are used frequently in the English language. You will find that you use most of them quite often, and the way you use them should be coming more naturally to you. Some of the most common conjunctions are:

  • and
  • but
  • so
  • for
  • yet
  • or

Here is a review of how to use these different coordinating conjunctions.

Additional Ideas

When we want to add different ideas together, we use the conjunction word 'and.'

He went to the airport. He went to the airport, and he picked up his dad.
He picked up his dad.

We need to use a comma (,) when we use 'and' to connect two separate clauses, like in the example above.

When using the word 'and,' if the subject is the same in both parts of the sentence, you can leave the subject out after the conjunction. In these cases, you do not need to use a comma.

He went to the airport. He went to the airport, and he picked up his dad.
He picked up his dad.

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