Review - What are you doing?

Students review grammar concepts and vocabulary from units 7-11.

Unit 12 Quiz

Students demonstrate their understanding of topics covered in units 7-11 in the form of an exam to be completed at the end of the course. The exam is under "Teacher Resources".

12-1 Pizza around the world.

Students read a text on the topic of pizza in different parts of the world. Students will be able to recognise a variety of different tenses, vocabulary and other topics studied in units 1-11. Students fill in a table about the different kinds of pizza and then participate in a pizza menu creation activity.

12-1 Emma Watson

Students watch Youtube video of an interview with Emma Watson, and then answer a series of comprehension questions. This is more advanced listening activity with new vocabulary to be discussed in class.

12-2 The history of Greed.

Students watch an animated video about the topic of greed. Students identify actions that they see in the video and then write a script for the story.

12-3 Cellphones

A listening activity based in a Youtube video about ways to save a smartphone battery. Students list the 7 different ways mentioned in the video.

12-1 Information Exchange

Students ask and answer questions about themselves in groups.

12-2 When was the last time you...?

A speaking activity based on the use of past simple. Students also practice forming information questions.
