Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Past Simple Questions.

Part One

Work with a partner and guess the missing words. Listen to check your answers.



Mike: Hey, John. How's it going?

John: Oh, hey, Mike. Pretty good. You?

Mike: Great. I just played volleyball with some friends. I'm tired now.

John: Oh, cool. Did you play at the gym?

Mike: No, I didn't.

John: Oh, did you play at the park?

Mike: No, not the park.

John: Did you play at the beach?

Mike: Bingo. Like I said, I'm really tired now. See you later.

John: Okay, bye.

A: Hey, John! How's it going?

B: Oh hey, Mike. Pretty good. You?

A: Great! I just _____ volleyball with some friends. I'm tired now.

B: Oh cool! _____ you play at the gym?

A: No, I _____.

B: Oh. Did you play at the park?

A: No, not the park.

B: Did you play at the beach?

A: Bingo! Like I said, I'm really tired now.  See ya later!

B: Okay. Bye!



Person 1: What did you do this weekend?

Person 2: This weekend? Well, on Friday night, some friends and I saw a movie.

Person 1: Really? Which movie did you see?

Person 2: Basketball Brothers. It wasn't very interesting.

Person 1: Yeah, I saw that last week. I was bored too.

A: What did you do this weekend?

B: This weekend? Well, on Friday night, some friends and I _____ a movie. 

A: Really? Which movie _____ you see?

B: Basketball Brothers. It wasn't very interesting.

A: Yeah, I saw that _____ week. I was bored, too.



Person 1: How was your day, honey?

Person 2: I had a good day. Thanks and you?

Person 1: Okay. Did you go to the gym?

Person 2: Yes, I did, but I was too tired this morning. So I went this afternoon.

Person 1: What about you?

Person 2: No, I didn't have time for the gym. I went to the beach, coffee shop, mall, and then I made this dinner.

Person 1: It's really good. Thank you.

Person 2: You're welcome.

A: How was your day, honey?

B: I ____ a good day, thanks. And you?

A: Okay. Did you go to the gym?

B: Yes, I ____, but I was too tired this morning, so I ____ this afternoon. What about you

A: No. I didn't have time for the gym. I went to the beach, coffee shop, mall, and then I ____ this dinner.

B: It's really good. Thank you.

A: You're welcome!

Part Two

Discuss with your partner what you think the words in blue mean in the conversations. Then, practice each conversation.
