WordPart of SpeechExample
advocate Verb The hospital manager does not advocate for reducing taxes.
budget Noun You should definitely budget your money so that you can plan your life.
claim Noun / Verb The politician claims he had nothing to do with the crime.
citizen Noun Despite having lived in the country for many years, she is not yet a citizen.
controversial Adjective The movie about abortion was very controversial.  Many people were angered by it.
costly Adjective The procedure will be too costly for this patient.
effective Adjective Her idea has not been very effective.  In fact, it hasn’t worked at all.
evidence Noun There wasn’t enough evidence to put the criminal in jail.
get rid of Phrasal Verb The hospital got rid of many old machines.
investigate Verb The scientists will investigate the virus further to try to kill it.
issue Noun This issue needs to be solved before we make any decisions.
moral Noun / Adjective I would never steal anything as it is against my morals.
policy Noun The hospital’s policy doesn’t allow animals inside the building.
restriction Noun There is a restriction against smoking in the patient rooms.

Medical Terminology

WordPart of SpeechExample
advice Noun I often ask my father for advice.
amount Noun The amount of money is different if you have insurance or not.
bacteria Noun There is a lot of bacteria all over our bodies.
behavior Noun The child’s behavior hasn’t improved.
cause Noun / Verb There are many causes to obesity.
evolution Noun The evolution of modern medicine has saved many lives.
germ Noun Wash your hands to kill the germs.
method Noun There are 3 methods we can use to help the patient.
poverty Noun Helping people in poverty requires love and patience.
punishment Noun The punishment for murder death in many countries.
quality Noun Canada has a great quality of care in their hospitals.
react Verb The patient reacted sadly to the news from the nurse.
reform Noun / Verb The hospital wants to reform some of their policies.
resources Noun You need to study a lot of different resources to learn about something.
shelter Noun Having modern shelters will help poor people stay healthier.
spread Verb The virus has spread into China.
stress Noun How much stress are you feeling now?
symptoms Noun The patients has had very strong symptoms this morning.
transmission Noun Doctors are trying to stop the transmission of Malaria from mother to child.


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