"Twenty-second Introductory Speech"

In table rounds of about 4 to 6, give the networkers about 3 minutes (or more - as time permits) to write 20-second introductions about themselves. As an aid, project the following guide questions for each participant to answer:

  1. What is my track record? What gives me credibility? In what area(s) do I have expertise?
  2. What do I do and how do I do it? What makes me stand out from others who do what I do?
  3. What is the result, benefit, or outcome of what I do?

After participants have written out their introductions, instruct them all to exchange business cards with one another (they can write these out on a small rectangle of paper [the position and the name of the company are totally their choice]). Encourage them to take notes on the back of each business card (each networker will need one card from each participant in the group).

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