This is a general introduction to the first part of the speaking test. It tells you what to expect and how best to answer the questions.

What happens in this part of the test?

In this part of the test the examiner will introduce him/herself and check your identity.

They will then ask you some general questions about easy topics like home, family, work, studies and interests. The examiner will ask you scripted questions; that is, these have been written down in advance and the examiner is not able to change them.

What am I being tested on?

This part of the test focuses on your ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences by answering a range of questions.

What do I have to do?

Relax. The examiner is not expecting long or complicated answers. In fact, the examiner has to ask all of their question within 4 - 5 minutes. That means you only have about 30 seconds for each question. If you go on speaking for too long the examiner will interrupt you.

Most questions can be answered with a full sentence, which includes a reason, and maybe one extra piece of information or an example. For example:

Do you prefer living in the city or the countryside?

I prefer living in the city because I like theatres and cinemas and I love eating out in restaurants. The countryside is nice to visit but I think I would get bored there.

Once you’ve answered the question just stop, with confidence, and wait for the next one.

How should I approach this part of the test?

The examiner is listening for fluent, natural speech, and use of an appropriate range of vocabulary.

You can practice for this part of the test by practicing:

  • linking information together logically using conjunctions
  • using vocabulary which shows you’ve understood the question and know words which are related to it.