This speaking lesson focuses on pronunciation skills related to the accurate production of the vowel sound /u/ (oo) as in "too."

Mouth position

In order to produce this vowel sound accurately, the mouth must be in the correct position:

  • Lips: The lips are tense and rounded, as if blowing an air balloon.
  • Tongue: The tongue is slightly tense and remains high.

Common Spelling Patterns for /u/

  • oo - too, food, school, tool
  • ue - true, blue, avenue
  • o - do, who, lose, prove
  • ew - new, blew, drew
  • u - super, rule, duty, student

Word Pairs for Practice

  1. too few
  2. fruit juice
  3. soup spoon
  4. new suit
  5. true value
  6. blue shoes
  7. new moon
  8. suitable suitcase
  9. two rooms
  10. super cool

View and practice along with the clip below, and complete the exercises in the lesson document.

Vowel sound /u/ (oo) as in too
