
Students explore vocabulary and activities related to triage, including topics such as morals, ethics, working in the ER, good medical practice, wilderness field triage, etc..

When Past Tenses aren’t Needed

Students review situations that require the use of the present perfect and not the past tenses - a common area of error for students of English.

Describing the Order of Past Events

Students practice three past tenses commonly used to describe the order of past events.

Focusing on Duration Rather than Completion

Students practice when it is appropriate to use the continuous aspect when describing past situations and when this is not necessary.

8-1 Past Simple and Present Perfect

Students review what they learned in Unit 7 in terms of the differences between the present perfect and past simple and further their knowledge with time words associated with each tense.

8-2 Past Simple and Past Continuous

In this lesson, students practice the different reasons for using the past simple such as describing the order of events in a story. Grammar 8-2 also provides exercises for practicing the different uses of the past continuous.

8-3 Past Simple and Past Perfect

Students learn that using the past perfect provides the speaker with a different way to explain the order of past events.

8-1 A Walk in Her Shoes

A reading comprehension exercise about a day inside the life of Daniela Ortiz, a 26-year-old triage nurse working 12 hours shifts at Pacific Medical Center.

8-2 Wilderness Medicine: Dangerous Marine Life

Vocabulary and reading comprehension activity about the hazards of nature, specifically procedures for freshwater and saltwater jellyfish sting treatment.

8-1 Subject-Verb Agreement

Students learn how to make subjects and verbs agree, then do an exercise to practice identifying and correcting errors with subject-verb agreement.

8-2 Proofreading

Students do an exercise practicing their ability to identify errors in sentences and correct them. This exercise is also a review of many of the writing concepts covered from Units 1 to 8

8-1 Triage in the ER

A video / listening exercise with comprehension questions detailing the life of Will Cristobal, an Emergency Room Nurse.

8-2 The Death of Small Pox

A video with comprehension exercises about the one time in recorded history that a disease was effectively eradicated.

8-1 Unit Introduction

Unit introduction conversation activity. (group work)

8-2: Vocabulary Roleplay

Groups discuss and roleplay a medical scenario in a variety of jobs.

8-3 Photo Discussion

Students generate photos to match unit vocabulary and discuss with the class.

8-4 Questions and Review

Students reflect on their understanding of the unit with a whole class Q&A.

8-5 Applied Learning

Students work together to master a certain grammatical aspect of the unit and teach to the rest of the class.

  • admit
  • assault
  • bullet
  • cloning
  • complex
  • cooperation
  • deceive
  • deny
  • ensure
  • federal
  • genetic
  • injustice
  • lust
  • outcome
  • stem cell
  • wound
Medical Terminology
  • abnormality
  • appendix
  • conceal
  • demand
  • discharge
  • distended
  • EMT
  • genetically-modified
  • kidneys
  • MRI
  • ophthalmologist
  • opioid / opiate
  • organ
  • oxycotin
  • prematurely
  • radiologist
  • recover
  • release
  • scan (n)
  • scan (v)
  • vestigial