Objectives | Grammar | Reading |
Controversy in MedicineStudents explore vocabulary and activities related to controversial medical topics. Imagining the Past, Present, and FutureStudents are immersed in activities requiring them to imagine situations in the past, present, and future and to construct hypothetical sentences. Mixing ConditionalsStudents gain practice making conditional sentences with mixed time; for example, sentences are studied that describe past conditions with present results. The Conditional Is More Than Just IfStudents learn to make conditional sentences using other expressions in place of if. |
9-1 First, Second, and Third ConditionalsStudents review the first and second conditionals and are introduced to the third conditional. 9-2 Mixed ConditionalsStudents practice making conditional sentences with mixed times, as is commonly overlooked when studying conditional grammar. 9-3 More Conditional ExpressionsStudents learn how other expressions can be used instead of if using conditional grammar. Expressions include, even if, unless, as long as, so long as, provided that, and providing that. 9-4 Although, Even Though, and Even IfStudents study the commonly mistaken different between the expressions even if, even though, although, despite, and in spite of. |
9-1 Too Much CoffeeVocabulary and reading comprehension activity about coffee. 9-2 Controversy in the Fertility ClinicVocabulary and reading comprehension activity about fertility clinics. |
Writing | Media | Speaking |
9-1 Parallel StructureStudents learn how to maintain parallel grammatical structure in their sentences. They practice identifying and correcting errors in parallel structure and then write their own parallel sentences. 9-2 Writing ConditionalsAn extension of the units grammar focus: students write conditional sentences to support and develop their opinions. |
9-1 Should Marijuan Be Legal?A video about the medical marijuana debate. Both sides of the debate are presented in a factual way. 9-2 Assisted Suicide: Right or Crime?A video-listening activity based on the controversial topic of assisted suicide. |
9-1 Unit IntroductionUnit introduction conversation activity. (group work) 9-2: Vocabulary RoleplayGroups discuss and roleplay a medical scenario in a variety of jobs. 9-3 Photo DiscussionStudents generate photos to match unit vocabulary and discuss with the class. 9-4 Questions and ReviewStudents reflect on their understanding of the unit with a whole class Q&A. 9-5 Applied LearningStudents work together to master a certain grammatical aspect of the unit and teach to the rest of the class. |
Vocabulary |
Medical Terminology |
Specialized Terminology: Prefixes |