Happy World Teachers' Day
TeachersEducationTeacher CafeWorkSociety... This World Teachers’ Day, we are celebrating everyone helping to keep students learning—whether in a classroom, at home, or somewhere in between.
Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated.
AdultsNatureScienceWorldEnvironment... This video is part of a series about climate change supported by Breakthrough Energy – a coalition founded by Bill Gates, that is working to expand clean-energy investment and support the innovations that will lead the world to net-zero carbon emissions.
The surprising effects of pregnancy
AdultsBiologyHealthHumanScience... Discover how pregnancy changes every organ in the body— from the heart, to the brain and kidneys— and what we still don’t know about it.
The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats
AdultsCreativityEducationScience Simples rules of geometry meant that 5-fold symmetry was impossible as were crystals without a periodic structure.
How to Start a Fire in a Survival Situation | Basic Instincts | WIRED
AdultsEducationNatureHumanSurvivalHow-to... Dr. Bill Schindler, a professor of archeology and anthropology at Washington College, demonstrates a couple of the most effective methods for starting a fire in the wilderness with limited resources.
Writing Your Bilingual Journey
TeachersEducationLanguageTeacher CafeSelf... Fostering a bilingual identity can be motivating and empowering for students. Hese is a short video to help the think through the process.
How to Only Sleep 2 Hours Per Day
AdultsHealthHumanScienceProductivitySelf... You've decided it's time you accomplished some of those life goals you've talked about, but with your crammed schedule of scrolling social media and video games, it leaves you with little time to do much else.
A Private Chef Tries To Make A 3-Course Meal For 4 for $20 • Tasty
AdultsFilmFoodMediaCooking... Ayo tries to make a 3-course meal for 4 for $20!
Lion Pride Hunts Cape Buffalo | Savage Kingdom
AdultsAnimalsMediaNature The pride of lions led by Tata hunt and kill a pair of cape buffalo.
Sausage and Mash Pie
AdultsFamilyFilmFoodCooking... If you like sausage and mash then this may well be your new family favourite! Sausage and mash pie, what a dish!
What If You Didn't Wear Your Seatbelt? ft. TheOdd1sOut
AdultsHealthHumanSelf Wear your dang seatbelt or James will be mad!
Is life meaningless? And other absurd questions - Nina Medvinskaya
AdultsEducationScienceWorldPhilosophy... Dive into Albert Camus’ philosophy of the absurd, and explore the question: if the world is meaningless, could our lives still hold value?
How Kodak Detected the Atomic Bomb
AdultsEducationHistoryHumanScience... Kodak detected the first atomic bomb before anyone else figured it out. Then they made a deal not to tell anyone. Thanks to HBO Max, and their new show raised by Wolves for sponsoring this video!
When Trees Go Nuts
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureScienceEnvironment... Every once in a while, all the oaks or spruces or other plants in a region suddenly produce a tremendous bounty of seeds – up to 100 times more than usual. But why do they do it, and how do they all manage to sync up?
A brief history of plastic
AdultsConstructionHistoryIndustry Trace the history of the invention of plastic, and how the material ushered in what became known as the plastics century.
The Japanese folktale of the selfish scholar - Iseult Gillespie
AdultsHistoryHumanWritingCultureMythology... Dive into the Japanese folktale of a scholar’s quest to purify his body and mind, and the spiritual secret he discovers along the way.