- What are some slang words or idioms you have heard around the city?
- What do you think they mean?
Slang Goodbyes
Saying goodbye can be very hard. After watching this video, how would you say goodbye?

Goodbye slang
- Bye(Bye-bye)
- Peace be with you
- Happy trails
- Have a good one
- Cheerio
- Good travels
- It’s been fun
- Later (Lates)
- Stay well
- Take care
- Ta-ta
- Take it easy
- Peace (out)
- Stay cool
- So long
See you
- later
- next time
- later gator
- tomorrow
- on the flip side
- in the funny papers
- after a while crocodile
- later, alligator
- not too soon, you big baboon
- soon
- when I see you
- around
Rude ways to goodbyes
- See ya, don’t want to be ya
- See you in Hell
- Go away!
- (Silence)
- (Walk away)
- BYE!
- Smell ya later
- There’s the door (don’t let it you on the way out)
- Get out of here!
Getting ready to leave
- The night’s winding down
- I got places to go, people to see
Ways to say goodbye are always changing. Do you use any other sayings? Here is a website that can help you with additional learning: The Online Slang Dictionary
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