
Discussion, reading and listening. Students first participate in a discussion and then do some research on the topic of superstition. They then watch a video about superstition and answer comprehension questions.


A reading comprehension and vocabulary activity about the topic festivals or holidays around the world.

The Lottery

Discussion and reading. Students discuss questions relating to tradition and then read Shirley Jackson's famous short story, The Lottery.

Charles Dickens

Students read a biography of the writer and then discuss the role of literature in modern society.

Use of English
Beliefs and Practices

A unit introduction discussion activity about the unit theme.

The Meaning of Gifts

Students choose sentences to fill in the gaps in an article about gift-giving.

Words with Similar Meanings

A set of vocabulary activities focusing on words with similar, but different meanings.

Greeting Cards

An open cloze activity about the giving of greeting cards in Western society.

Report Structures

Students review and practice reported speech.

Describing Sounds & Movements

A set of vocabulary exercises practicing common words used to express sound or movement.


Students attempt to describe a picture of a strange beast and then research and describe one of their choosing.

Oral Presentation

Students prepare and give short presentations examining the origin of a tradition, custom, legend from their culture. One of the aims of this assignment is to have students use report structures studied in Use of English - Report Structures

Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

An exercise for practicing how to avoid this common type of writing error.


Students proofread a text about a mythical Canadian creature and correct the errors they find. This exercise serves as a review for the punctuation lessons covered in previous units, as well as for concepts such as parallel structure and misplaced modifiers.

In Your Own Words

Students practice paraphrasing, first by doing an exercise on key word transformation, and then by re-writing sentences in their own words.
