Negative and Question Forms: there is / there are

Negative Form

Singular → there isn’t

→ there is not

There isn’t a hospital here.

There isn’t a doctor.

Plural → there aren’t

→ there are not

There aren’t any children here.

There aren't any restaurants here.

There aren’t any cars.

Question Form

Singular → Is there …?

Plural → Are there …?

Is there a hospital here?

Is there a doctor here?

Are there any children here?

Are there any restaurants here?

Are there any cars?

Use of “ANY”

We use any with there aren’t and are there. We use any in negatives and questions.

  • There aren’t any children here.
    Are there any children here?
  • There aren’t any iPads on the table.
    Are there any iPads on the table?
  • There aren’t any restaurants here.
    Are there any restaurants here?

