Listen to the conversations and answer the questions.

James, Canada

man waking up


Every day I wake up at 6 a.m. and make my bed. I eat cereal for breakfast and drink a cup of coffee. After I walk the dog and then I walk to work.

Elizabeth, England

woman sleeping


I wake up at 9 a.m. and take a long shower. After I put on my makeup and get dressed. At 10 a.m. I make some breakfast and watch the news on television. I don't work in the morning but I work in the afternoon at 5 p.m. in a restaurant.

Michael, United States

couple cinema


Every day I work until 5 p.m. After work I sometimes go to a restaurant with my sister and then we go to the movie theater and see a movie. I usually take a shower in the evening and I go to bed at 11 p.m.

Michelle, Australia

waking up


After I wake up, I always take a shower.

I don't eat breakfast because I'm not hungry in the morning.

I take the bus at 8 a.m. and I arrive at work at 8:45 a.m.

On the bus, I listen to music or read a book.

