Objectives and Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 4-1.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding pages. On each page is a list of sentences students are to read to their partners. Each sentence conveys an idea that can be expressed with one of have (got) to, had to, must, don't / doesn't / didn't have to, or mustn't. Students read a sentence and then their partner rephrases the sentence using one of the phrases above. Suggested answers are included under each sentence.

It is really important that you do not touch anything.
You mustn't touch anything.

Read the following sentences to your partner. Check that their answers match the answers below each sentence:
- It is not necessary to read the manual.
- You don't have to read the manual. (or)
- You haven't got to read the manual.
- It is necessary for me to go home because I have a headache.
- I have to go home because I have a headache. (or)
- I've got to go home because I have a headache. (or)
- I must go home because I have a headache.
- It is not okay for you to use my phone.
- You mustn't use my phone.
- It was necessary for you to replace the radiator yesterday.
- You had to replace the radiator yesterday.
- It wasn't necessary for me to pay to get into the races.
- I didn't have to pay to get into the races.
- It is very important to me that you read this ad.
- You must read this ad. (or)
- You have to read this ad. (or)
- You've got to read this ad.
- It is not necessary to wear a seat belt on a motorcycle.
- You don't have to wear a seat belt on a motorcycle. (or)
- You haven't got to wear a seat belt on a motorcycle.
- It is not okay for you to enter the train without buying a ticket first.
- You mustn't enter the train without buying a ticket first.
- Do not make any noise.
- You mustn't make any noise.
- It was unnecessary for me to study a lot when I was a child.
- I didn't have to study a lot when I was a child.
Read the following sentences to your partner. Check that their answers match the answers below each sentence:
- It was necessary for me to call my mother last night.
- I had to call my mother last night.
- It is very necessary for me to fix my carburetor.
- I must fix my carburetor. (or)
- I have to fix my carburetor. (or)
- I've got to fix my carburetor.
- It is not necessary for me to study tonight.
- I don't have to study tonight.
- It is not okay for you to spend any money.
- You mustn't spend any money.
- It was not necessary for you to wear sunglasses while driving because it wasn't very sunny.
- You didn't have to wear sunglasses while driving because it wasn't very sunny.
- It is not okay for you to turn on this street.
- You mustn't turn on this street.
- It is necessary for me to charge my car before I go out.
- I have to charge my car before I go out. (or)
- I've got to charge my car before I go out. (or)
- I must charge my car before I go out.
- I had no choice but to buy a new motor mount.
- I had to buy a new motor mount.
- I really, really believe it is important for you to study more.
- You must study more. (or)
- You have to study more. (or)
- You've got to study more.
- It wasn't necessary for you to call or text.
- You didn't have to call or text.